Part Ten

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Clint's POV

What the actual fuck. 

God she looks like a mess. Those bastards will die. 

How could they do that to her? She's a human being, just like them. Shouldn't they be able to see that?

I looked away from the video on the computer screen. Steve's face flinched at every tiny whimper that came out of Nat's mouth. Tears were running down Tony's face, and undoubtedly mine. 

I couldn't watch this anymore. If Steve or Tony found something in the video that was helpful, they could tell me later. Poor Natasha. I can't even imagine being in her place right now.  I left the room and headed to the gym. This is exactly what Tasha would do if the roles were reversed. She would be punching her heart out on a punching bag right now. I chuckled at the thought. 

I miss her so much, she's like a little sister to me. I don't know what I'd do if we didn't get her back. Hell, I don't know how I'd break it to Lila. I just wouldn't be able to do it. I don't have the heart to tell my sweet Lila that her Auntie Nat wasn't going to be visiting anymore. I could imagine Lila's face falling when I came home without the usual red head walking/limping behind me. 

If she died, Nathaniel would never really remember her, he wouldn't know who Nat was unless he looked at photo albums. 

Steve's POV

I was barely watching the video when Clint left. I desperately wanted to join him, but what if there was something in the video that would help us find her? I needed to find her, and if watching her being tortured would help us find her, then I had too. No matter the cost. 

Around half way through the video, nobody had spoken, you could just hear her desperately suppressed whimpers, so I looked down at my  hands. 

A few minutes later, Tony gasped, and grabbed my arm.

"Steve!" I looked up at the screen, the guy that was torturing Natasha must have thought the video stopped, because he removed whatever it was that was blocking his face from our view. "We can run facial reccognition, and find out where this guy was last seen!" 

I felt like my heart had just broke free of my chest. "We can find her?" I asked, almost nervous that I had heard Tony wrong.

"Yes!" Tony was beaming. "We can and we will find her. JARVIS, bring Legolas back up here, I have good news."

It took only approximately ten seconds for Clint to fall out of the vents and into the room. His skin was glistening with sweat, it was kind of, very much, gross. 

"Wha-What is it?" Clint asked, almost frantically.

"We have a way to find Nat."

Clint stared at us for a few seconds, while he listened to our plan, before saying. "Then what are we waiting for? Have you run facial recognition yet?"

"Yes, JARVIS is running it as we speak, in fact it should be done..... now." Tony said as Jarvis alerted us. 

"Gustav Somodorov, brother of Ivan, was a trainer for the Red Room Academy, famous for training the Black Widows, including, but not limited to, Natasha Romanoff and Yelena Belova." Jarvis said calmly. 

"Jarvis, skip to the part about where he was last seen." I surprised myself kind of, at the sound of my voice. I sounded anxious, desperate even. I hadn't spoken since the video started. 

"Of course, Captain Rogers." Jarvis continued. "He was last seen behind the Asti, a bar in Moscow." 

I palmed my face. How could we be this stupid? This was so obvious!

"Jarvis, start the Quin Jet." I said.

"Wait, Steve, shouldn't we wait and see if more activity has taken place at the bar?"

"No. Check on the way. Jarvis start the jet."

"Of course, sir. Should I set the coordinates to the closets landing site to the bar?"

"Yes, thank you." I turned to Tony and Clint. "Pack whatever you think you need and meet me in the hanger in about half an hour." I headed up to my room, grabbed my suit, my shield, a jacket and headed up to the jet. 

I knew that Clint would be up in a few minutes and that Tony would probably be up a little while later, no doubt to call Pepper, grab his suit, possibly make some modifications or at least plan to do so on the plane ride over.  So I sat down and looked over the terrain around the bar.

As I was studying the map, I noticed a stairwell down to what looked like a sewer, probably meant for workers to be able to get to it, there was also a second story of the building that the bar was in. Both of these seemed suspicious enough on their own, but what really got me was the fact that there was a ballet studio next to the bar. The studio's name was called Balet Krasnykh Roz.

"Jarvis would you translate that for me?" I asked the AI. 

"Balet Krasnykh Roz translates to Red Rose Ballet in English, sir." 

"Thank you, Jarvis."

Red Rose Ballet. There was no way that Natasha wasn't there. Honestly, how stupid had we, how stupid had her captors  been?

It was merely a few minutes after that when Jarvis announced the arrival of Clint and Tony, Clint with his bow and lots of arrows, and Tony with a tool box in hand. I knew we would be ready to give them hell. 

"I think I have a lead."

Natasha's POV

It was always cold here. When I was younger, I would close my eyes at night and dream of fire, heat, to try to keep myself hopeful. When I close my eyes now, all I see is darkness. 

I can feel the wet of my blood. And someone holding me?

"Hang on, sestra, please." I heard the person inhale sharply. "Please, just keep breathing"

I once again drifted off to sleep. 

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