Part Fourteen

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Natasha's POV

I took a deep breath. I needed to be calm with them. I mean, at this point my life is basically in my captor's hands, and I'm not an idiot.

"Maybe if you took off my blindfold, I would be able to further understand what you're talking about," I suggested. I was seriously annoyed, but I managed to bury it within my calm tone. I heard my captor sigh and the crunching of snow as they moved. I knew it was coming, but I flinched when I felt their fingers on my face, taking the blindfold off. I squinted as my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the fire. I looked to the left, where I had heard my captor sitting in the snow.  

The girl came into focus. She was young. Too young to be in this. Though, I joined much younger than her. She was blonde, probably in her early twenties. She opened her mouth again to speak, and that's when it hit me. What felt like thousands of memories of the Red Room, her dancing, us fighting, all of it. 

"Yelena"  I breathed. 

"Do you recognize me, Sestra?" The girl sounded almost bitter

Steve's POV

"What do they mean 'missing'?" Clint was pissed. Almost ridiculously pissed. We were silent for a moment before Tony spoke up, 

"Maybe she escaped."My heart leaped. Her escape was completely possible. She was fully capable of escaping the Red Room, she'd done it before, I see no reason why she wouldn't be able to do it again. "Did anyone find a log or anything? So we can find out what happened?" I asked. 

"No, " Clint said, "But if there is one I think it would be here in the bar."

"You don't suppose it could be on that suspiciously modern-looking computer for a bar that has supposedly been closed since the 80s?" Tony deadpanned. 

I smirked at Tony, "Well not if you suppose you would be able to hack into it to find out?"

"On it now." Tony started typing away at the computer for a few moments before he announced, "I'm in."

Clint and I gathered around Tony as he searched through the computer's files until we came across what looked like a chat forum. Not a very secure form of communication if you ask me, but who am  I to judge, I can barely work an email. Tony scrolled quickly through the forum, but we noticed much faster than we were out of luck. It was all in Russian. "Did you guys pick up some from Nat?"

"Mostly curse words." Clint chuckled. He pointed at the screen. "See that right there means shit, that means the c-word, that right there means 'blond asshole', which she called you," he pointed at me "on almost a daily basis, oh wait I think that means stole and that means traitor."

"So someone may have taken Tasha, from the people who had already taken her?"

"Sure sounds like it. Does anyone have an idea as to who may have done it?" I asked.

Natasha's Pov

"Yelena?" I breathed. "You're alive?"

"Very much so. I just saved your sorry ass."

My face fell. I remembered how I hadn't saved her. I hadn't come back for her. I promised.

"Sestra what are we doing? We can't go with him." Yelena looked at me with nothing but wonder and concern. "What if it's a trick from Ivan?"

"It's not. Clint is my friend. He would never betray me like that."

"But what if we're caught? You know what they do to-"

"We won't get caught." I continued to pack my bag and headed towards the open window. "I can't stay here anymore 'Lena. And neither can you." I nodded toward the bag I had already packed for her. Yelena nodded. "What they're doing to us is wrong. What they're making us do is wrong."

I motioned for her to join me and she jumped out the first-floor window and onto the sidewalk. I grabbed our bags and joined her. "We need to run-" a blaring alarm went off "NOW"

I started to sprint towards the now closing gate, Yelena just behind me. Then I hear the sound of dogs. Hunting dogs. Memories flashed through my mind. A strike team had found us at some point. We could all hear their screams as they were mauled to death. I knew that would be our fate if we didn't run any faster. I picked up the pace, running past the gate, straight into the forest outside, and ran as far as I could.

"Lena I think we're safe now. We made it out, we're free- Lena? " Yelena wasn't behind me. "Lena?" I called

No response.


A scream could be heard in the distance. No, I thought. How could I let this happen?

I heard the crunching of snow.

"I'm fairly certain that my name's Clint." I stiffened. The archer was standing behind me.

"I am free, but at what cost?"

The archer stared at me as the reality of the situation began to set in.

"She's dead." My voice filled with emotion. "And it's all my fault." Sobs began to rack my body. My fault.

"Lena I am so sorry"

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