Part Five

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Natasha's POV

I awoke in a bed, but I kept my eyes closed. I didn't want to be awake yet. I wasn't sure where I was, or who bright me here. 

I listened for a few moments, waiting for a hint of where I was, and who was with me. I heard a steady thump, and smelled the sanitary air, and assumed that I was in a hospital of some sort. I slowly drifted off to sleep again, after laying in the bed and doing nothing, nothing but waiting for someone to come.


Steve's POV

I was waiting with Natasha. The doctor told me that her wounds were not as bad as they could be, but they were pretty bad. 

Natasha won't be allowed to move much, in case she tairs her stitches. Nat can't afford to lose anymore blood.

I sat there by Natasha's bed, and was starting to drift off, when I saw her eyes flicker open, but only for a moment, then closed again.

I called for a nurse. She said that Natasha was probably beginning to stir, Natasha's sleep medication was waring off. 

When Natasha didn't stir anymore, I let myself fall asleep.


A few hours later

A awoke quickly to Natasha's heart moniter going off the charts. She was saying it again,

"I comply! I comply!" I knew what was happening this time. I quickly went to her, and was about to try to wake her up, when an entire team of nurses ran in, and pushed me out, saying they knew what they were doing, but I knew that they didn't.

I closed the door to her now chaotic room, and waited. I heard a punching sound, and knew that Natasha had woken up.

I guess a nurse pressed the call button or something, because a doctor walked into her room, ready with a sedation.

I immediately got up, and was about to stop him when the doctor locked the door. It was pointless. I had no say in what was happening to Natasha. 

When the doctors and nurses finally left, and let me see her, it was almost three am. I entered the room quietly, as to not wake her up, even though I know she was sedated.

When I saw her in that bed, I nearly cried, her petite body was hooked up to all sorts of wires, and the doctors restrained her arms, feet, and abodomen, I guess it was in case she woke up again. Apparently when she got up so quickly after they had managed to wake her up, she ripped her stitches, and they couldn't risk that again.


Natasha's POV

When I awoke again, I quickly realized that I couldn't move. I was being held down. I opened my eyes in panic, I wanted to see who my captor was, and what they wanted with me. 

When my eyes opened, I saw Steve staring down at me, with tears in his eyes. 

"Why did you do it?" He asked. As soon as he said that, the memories of yesterday came flooding back to me. Dancing, the memories, and the mirror. 

"You know why." I said. 

"People care about you, Natasha. People care about whether or not you live or die. People care about your well-being. Tash, Tony, Clint, and I care so much about. In fact I even-" 


Steve's POV

I stopped myself. A significant other is not what she needs at the moment. I can't tell Natasha about how I feel right now. She needs a friend. Natasha needs to beleive that I care about her as a friend, before she learns that I love her. 


Sorry for the short chapter, it's getting harder to juggle school with writing, but I promise I won't give up on this story, I'm a sucker for Romanogers.

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