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The same night at Shuhuas flat

Shuhua POV

It's nighttime and I'm in bed alone. It's been two weeks since the party at Yuqis and I'm still not sure what to feel. No matter how much I try to shake off all that was said and all that was felt I can't. I know that I'm gay, I've known that for a while. What I didn't understand is why my Uncle had popped into my head when she rubbed my thigh. But I'm not ready to think about that again, cause to talk about it I have to relive it in my head and that can be dangerous.

I wanted her that night and there was no denying that she wanted me. When our lips connected you could feel the lust and pure want that transpired through them. I still want her. Does she still want me? I hope so.

After a few minutes of talking to myself I decide it's time for a distraction and look at my phone. But that doesn't go as planned. I find myself going through my camera role and stopping on pictures from that night at Yuqis. Her lips, I'm drawn to them again. In this photo they are still pristine with her signature red lipstick drawn precisely on them. Though you could not see it in the picture my mind goes back to her eyes that night, how those orbs darkened when she pushed me up against the door. Now all I can think about is that heavy make out session. Why did it have to end? Her kiss was the best thing I've ever felt, I want more.

I've got to shake this. So I head to social media. I just scroll and scroll, nothing to interesting on my feed, that is until something peeks my interest.



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Finally managed to get this one to say yes to a date @seosoojin1849 <3

Sanakeisgay: wait...what?

KangDan: congrats kid

HonggiegotABS: that's my boy

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What the actual hell is going on on this very day. Hmph, at least Sana Unnie gets it.  That night never happened for you Seo Soojin? What about all that want you felt? You gave?Maybe you really just don't want me anymore, not the way I want you. It couldn't have been fake, the truth so loud you can't ignore, you like me, or so you did. I want to be more than friends, don't you? I guess that passed.  I guess I should move on and quickly cause I can't stand this feeling.

Calling Sana Unnie...

"Shu? Hey, what can Unnie do for you?" Sanas voice blasted through the other end of the line.

"Unnie...have you ever liked someone so much and then they leave you for someone else because you did something that maybe made them think you didn't like them but you did, do?" I respond.

"Oh Shu...You wait there I'll be over in five. Actually make that fifteen, I'll grab some food on the way. Love you Shu!" Sanas voice made out before the line went dead.

Why am I crying?


Hi author here! Don't forget to vote and hand sanitize. Enjoy & stay safe! Xx

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