Television Romance

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Minnies POV

Times where me and my mother attempt to bond, is when we are sitting down watching some soppy romance movie on the tv. One of those times are today, here we are sat watching the classic Titanic. We've watched this film twice in the past and the same questions always fill my mind. What French girls? Jack is supposed to be attractive? How can they be madly in love after what? Two days? And most importantly why couldn't both of them fit on that damn door?!

But really, is this what love is? It's a little creepy if you ask me, it's more like a strange obsession that he has for poor Rose who is ENGAGED may I add. Shouldn't Rose be saving herself from those two men instead of being some sort of useless woman who needs a man to help her fix herself?

I look at my mother and see how her eyes never move from the screen. I wonder what she thinks of all this? I never dare to ask my mother the countless questions I have about love, the fears, I know it would be too big a question for her. So I don't ask and let myself slowly develop a little thing called Philophobia. It's definitely not to an extreme, but even now thinking of love I can feel my heart pounding. I feel my hands begin to sweat. Moving my eyes back to the tv I try and control my breathing.

"Hey are you ok Nicha?" My Mother asks with concern. How am I meant to answer that? How are you meant to tell someone you care so much about that they are the reason you're this way? It isn't her fault, well it's both of their faults. Her and my Dad, wherever he may be...

"Uh... y-yeah" I answer, finally snapping out of my daze. Waw couldn't of been more convincing could we Nicha?

"Hmm... Ok, you know you can talk to me if you need to, but I won't press" My Mother responds in a calm voice. Thank god she's never one to press with things

~~Time skip~~Minnies Room~~

I start hitting some notes on the piano, trying again to use the piano as an outlet for my frustration and endless unanswered questions. My hands must have a mind of their own as they start playing the keys to a familiar song. At the chorus I begin to sing along to a more downbeat version of the catchy song:

🎶(I wanna know) How it could be as sweet as candy?
(I wanna know) How it's like flying in the sky?
I wanna know know know know
What is love?
What love feels like?
(I wanna know) How it keeps you smiling all day?
(I wanna know) How the whole world turns beautiful?
I wanna know know know know
What is love?
Will love come to me someday?🎶

I manage to sputter out the last words. My version of the song was one filled with bitterness and sadness, gritting my teeth together through some of the lyrics as a few tears made their way down my face. I've decided that's enough moping about for one day, it's time to get mad and let it out. I grab my jacket, keys and phone and head out of the door to my nearest gym.

When I arrive at the gym I am greeted by my grandfather who is conveniently the owner. We exchange quick hugs and hellos and walk me to my favorite spot. I've been coming here whenever I feel my emotions become to much, which happens to be often as I haven't missed a day in the past week.

I begin to punch away at the heavy bag in front of me. I will be stronger, I am stronger. The bag in front of me begins to morph into a more familiar figure. I punch harder. Then another figure. I punch faster. Figure after figure past then suddenly a new figure appeared before me that hadn't before. Miyeon? My hands drop to my sides for a second.


"I think you're the most mesmerizing person I've ever met" Miyeon says.

End of flashback

And there comes that uncomfortable feeling again. I land a hard punch on the bag, then another and another and another until my body can't do it no more. I sit down on the bench and take a sip from the water bottle my grandfather had handed me on the way in. I glance at the tv that's playing in the gym. A soap is playing, just another scene where a man confesses his love to a woman before sweeping her up in his arms in the pouring rain before ending it with a passionate kiss. Oh if love were that simple. Fuck love and fuck your television romance.


Hi author here! A short chapter, just a little more insight to Minnies character. I'll hopefully get up another chapter as well today. Enjoy?

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