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when the last body finally falls to the floor, a bullet shot straight into the skull, seonghwa slumps to the floor immediately, leaning on the wall and trying to catch his breath.

he looks around the warehouse and takes in the view.

it's a bloody massacre, what with all the dead bodies lying everywhere on the floor, and blood pouring everywhere.

if a normal person ever saw it, they would puke immediately.


seonghwa turns to the voice, looking at one of his trusted henchman who was standing beside him, panting.

"what, euphoria?"

said man produces a light smile after pocketing his pistol. there's a glint in his eye, and a thin line of blood on his left cheek.

seonghwa doesn't know whether it's his blood, or a dead corpse's, but he is too tired to ask.

"you have successfully finished off all of your enemies."

seonghwa continues to stare at him, a smile slowly appearing on his sweaty and a little bloody face.

"you can go back home now."

seonghwa snorts happily, and chuckles.

the killing has finally ended.

and now it was finally time to go home.

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