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seonghwa stares at hongjoong's sleeping face with fondness as he lies on his chest, slowly and gently combing through the medium length hair that hongjoong had unknowingly grown.

his heart breaks when he thinks back to the words that hongjoong had said a while ago, before he fell asleep due to exhaustion from sleeping and running around.

it did not occur to me that hongjoong would suffer so much without me by his side.

the gentle smile that was on seonghwa's face slides off.

what was suppose to ensure that my beloved would not get hurt by anything had hurt him instead. it was my mistake to think that he would not be hurt when I left on without a warning.


"yes sir."

a dark figure appears behind the bench that the couple is siting on.

"make sure anyone who is a threat that comes close to us is killed immediately."

"yes sir."

with that, the figure disappears, and the couple is left alone.

i will make sure that no one will ever be able to hurt you ever again.

seonghwa kisses hongjoong on the crown of his hair gently, as the two sit in comfortable silence.

i will never leave you alone ever again.

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