Chapter 6

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2 hours later

"I'm such a mess." I whispered to myself as I wiped my face with the back of my hand. I pushed open the door of my apartment and threw my stuff on the table next to it before slamming the door shut. I slowly took a sit on my coach and stared at my hands.

Why do I always have to run from my problems. Why couldn't I just confront tooth and tell her his my boyfriend. But why didn't Jack just help and tell her himself that his in a relationship. 

Three fucking years in this relationship and I ran away again. I just want to be happy. I just want to travel with my love one and not be tackled my paparazzi and screaming fans. I just wonder how everything would be if Jack never became a pop star. 

oh how Life would be so much easier. He wouldn't have meet that tooth girl. We would be married. I could have probably had a kid with him by now but no- I can't get what I want in this relationship. Because everything he does it affects his public image. His job makes him travel for long periods of time while I'm home just worrying about him j-Just crying every night cause I miss him. Can't have a kid because he would miss everyday of his or hers life because of his job.

Maybe I always run away because deep down I know I don't want this for the rest of my life. I just want to be with him everyday. I just want to go on dates like we used too. I just want that love we used to have before all these problems. .

"I just want to be happy!" I yelled. I'm so fucking selfish for just thinking of myself when I know Jack is trying his best. "Why can't I just be happy.." I whispered as I placed my elbows on my knees and sobbed into my hands.

TING!  I quickly jumped at the sudden sound of my phone. I pulled my phone out of my pocket and read the message on the screen. 



Call me now It's important 


I quickly wiped my eyes and dialed his number which it only rang twice before he answered. "Hello?" I whispered out as the sound of the wind was only heard in the back ground. 

"E-Elsa it's Jack-" I quickly cut him off before he can say anymore. "Look hiccup Him and I aren't talking at the moment so I'm gonna go okay?" I harshly said.

"Elsa, Jack got in a car accident. He was on his way to drop off tooth then go see you. T-they didn't want to tell me if he was badly injured they just said it's best to get down there as soon as possible." Hiccup yelled in the phone. My heart dropped as I stood up slowly just trying to process what he just said. 

"I-I I'm on my way" I stuttered as I quickly ended the call and grabbed my stuff. This is all my fault. All my fault. I quickly used the stairs and ran as fast as I can to my car trying not to fall down. Please be okay. Please Jack. 

I quickly started my car as my tears begin to form. Please Jack. I know you're Okay. 

"Please" I whispered as I backed up from the parking space. My tears finally begin to fall from my face. 

"We let the waters rise
We drifted to survive
I needed you to stay
But I let you drift away"

I glanced at the radio and begin to sobbing more by the words. I know Jack and I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry.  I shouldn't  have left when you said you needed me. I should have just listen and accept your apology . I quickly speed onto the express way  getting a few beeps from others due to the fact I had cut the off.

"My love where are you?
My love where are you?"

I glanced at the time. I'm almost there jack please wait for me. Please be okay. I'll be there in five minutes please. "Please be okay!" I screamed as I squeezed onto the wheel.

"Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready
Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready"

"i'm so fucking sorry!" I screamed  as tears streamed down my face. 

"Can we, can we surrender?
Can we, can we surrender?

I surrender"

I quickly got off the express way and turned into the hospital parking lot.  I quickly parked in the first parking spot I saw and quickly got off then ran into the hospital. God please make sure his okay.

"No one will win this time
I just want you back
I'm running to your side
Flying my white flag, my white flag"

"Elsa over here!" I quickly looked at where the voice came from and there stood hiccup and the rest. "w-where is he?" I stuttered as my tears kept falling. 

"They are barley gonna get here-" I snapped my head to the door as many nurses ran to the door making everyone move out the way. "Jack.." I whispered as I saw them roll in a stretcher. There laid tooth with blood on her forehead while crying. "He has glass in him we need to get him into surgery now!" One of the doctors yelled as they brought in another stretcher. I gasped and covered my mouth. "J-Jack!" I yelled as I ran towards him as he laid there covered in blood and bruises with a oxygen mask on his face. I quickly got to his side as he looked at me trying to keep his eyes open. 

"My love where are you?
My love where are you?"

"J- Jack i'm right here! hey k-keep your eyes open please Jack!" I cried as I softly pressed my shaking hand on his hair. 

"Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready
Whenever you're ready, whenever you're ready"

"Can we, can we surrender?Can we, can we surrender?"

"Ma'am You can't go inside please stay here." One of the doctors said as he grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me away from Jack as I tried to follow.

"N-no I need to be there please!" I yelled as he just looked down sadly at me. "Please.." I pleaded as he just nodded his head no. 

"I'm sorry ma'am but I can't let you in But I promise we will take good care of him." The doctor said as he let go of me and ran into the room leaving me there crying. 

"I surrenderI surrender"

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