Chapter 13

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2 Days later

"Okay Elsa from the top"  I sighed at I header the music Producer speak from the other side of the recording studio. 

My phone begin to buzz once again. I pulled it out and looked down at the caller ID which read 'Jack' I sighed and pressed the ignore button. I don't want to talk to him. What he did was just wrong and he knows it. If he wanted to hang out with HER then he could have just let me know so I wasn't sitting there looking stupid waiting for him.   

I ran my hands on the piano and nodded my head signaling I was ready to begin. The music started as I started playing the notes. 

"I found a guy, told me I was a star
He held the door held my hand in the dark
And he's perfect on paper but he's lying to my face
Does he think that I'm the kinda girl who needs to be saved"  Why do you lie to me Jack? 

"And there's one more boy, he's from my past
We fell in love but it didn't last
'Cause the second I figure it out he pushes me away
And I won't fight for love if you won't meet me halfway
And I say that I'm through but this song's still for you" Why are you breaking my heart? I'm trying my hardest just for you Jack! why? just why?!  I shut my eyes as I felt my eyes getting watery. 

"All I want is love that lasts

Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
But shouldn't that be enough for me
Ooh ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh" If you want be set free then just tell me! I don't want to be hurt anymore.. but please tell me whats wrong with me before you go Jack.. 

"And I miss the days
When I was young and naive
I thought the perfect guy would come and find me
Now happy ever after it don't come so easily" I thought you were my happily ever after Jack but maybe I read the wrong fairy tail..

"All I want is love that lasts
Is all I want too much to ask
Is it something wrong with me, oh
All I want is a good guy
Are my expectations far too high
Try my best but what can I say
All I have is myself at the end of the day
And all I want is for that to be okay" I ended the song and quickly wiped my tears away. I think it's time to let go. I forced a smiled and looked over at the glass where the producer was standing with a huge smile. Next to him stood a sad looking Jack with flowers in his hands.

"That was amazing! Thats all for today so you can head on home." The producer smiled at me. I forced a smile and grabbed my things quickly. I walked out saying goodbye to the producer and walked passed Jack who just followed right behind me.

I pushed the exit door of the studio and crossed my arm as I looked at Jack who rushed his way in front of me making me stop walking.

"Yes Jack" I spoke as he looked down at me with sadness. 

"I'm sorry Elsa and I know thats not enough but please i'm sorry" He spoke as he placed his warm hand on my cheek making me fully look at him. " I promise I won't do it again. I love you so so much Elsa... please princess" he whispered. I bit my lip as I felt my tears begin to form. You keep hurting me Jack...

"Please don't cry baby please... I am stupid and I promise to make it up to you I promise... I quit working with tooth. I don't want to lose you Elsa. You are my world. and I'm so so sorry" Jack cupped my face as he placed his forehead against mine.

my heart hurts to much... but maybe i'm not ready to let go just yet my prince..

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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