Don't go there Sage...

A million thoughts were running through my mind as I lay there staring at the white walls of my ceiling. I couldn't believe that I'd almost slept with him.

His seductive laugh and hooded lashes from last night popped into my mind quickly before fading out.

Dammit what did I do?

"I can't believe this."

I wrapped the warm cover around my body and slid out of bed.

How could I have been so stupid! Jesus I almost slept with him...I initiated it!

I stumbled my way into my bathroom muttering curses to myself.

He's going to think that I actually want him!

And I did, I just didn't want him to know that.

The pounding in my head caused me to moan in discomfort.

I am so never drinking again...

I thought about it again. Well...maybe not ever...I did love a good wine.

But next time-wait. There won't be a next time what am I saying?

I shook my head and tried to reach the zipper on the back of my dress, once, then twice, before finally being able to shimmy out of the silky fabric. After slipping out of it I made my way toward my bathroom. I fiddled with the light on the wall and started toward the shower to rinse off last night's drunken shenanigans. I padded across the cold tile toward my shower, fiddling with knobs and waiting for the water to heat up, before shedding my underwear and hopping in.

Between the warm water and the aspirin my head was starting to feel less and less foggy which I was relieved for. I refuse to pick up my daughter from a sleepover sporting sunglasses and a gross hangover glow.

I splashed some of the warm water off my face, and moved to grab the detachable shower-head for my head. The warm water penetrated the root of my hair, making the strands revert back to their curly natural state. I sighed softly to myself, bye bye straight hair.

I took a moment longer to wash myself, and let the warm water sink into the pores of my skin before shutting the water off.

As I stepped out of the shower, I grabbed a towel from off the rack, and dried off before wrapping it around my body. It was one of my favorites, a lavender colored plush one from target. I dried off quickly. My bathroom mirror was a foggy mess as I looked into it. My eyes were dialated and bright, showing off my golden brown irises which were slightly bigger than usual. My mouth was a flushed pink color against my brown skin which was odd. I leaned forward in the mirror with a questioning look marring my face.

They were swollen...

And they were also reminder of the 'fun' i'd had with Ansel..

I frowned as I stepped away from the mirror without another thought. With the lights shut off in my bathroom I made my way into my bedroom stripping out of the towel along the way. Last night was still a hazy fog in the back of my mind. I only knew about three things at this point, Ansel and I hadn't had sex, He hadn't stayed the night, and from what I can remember...last night had been somewhat fun.


I refuse to catch any kind of feelings for him. All that would result in was another...cup of coffee. Wait not coffee, but...well coffee. I sniffed the air in my room and smelt the unmistakable scent of fresh brewed coffee, and something maybe? I could feel my eyebrows start to crinkle in confusion.

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