11 ➳ Best Friends

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Love was a stupid thing. It tore you apart, it ruined your heart, and tossed you away when it didn't need you anymore. But it also made you feel like you were on clouds, feel like you could do anything, and your heartbeat always increased when you saw the person who caused it all. It was finally happening to me.

I was in love.

The person who I loved didn't love my back, though, and I hated it. I absolutely hated it a lot. But it was going to be okay. I was going to carry on with my life, hoping that he would realize my feelings and accept me.

When I woke up, I was on the carpet from last night, papers strewn across the floor. I suddenly remembered throwing them in the air out of anger and rage. Last night was a blur. I shook my head, slowly getting to my feet, the room spinning. I picked up one of the papers and words were flying before me. It was one of my acceptance letters I'd kept from other colleges.

I don't remember any of this. None of it. The only thing I recalled was Makoto telling me that he loved Hannah. The worst memory was branded into my mind. Goddamit.

I started walking into the kitchen and the room was spinning, just like before. It was almost like I was in a parallel universe. Rubbing my eyes, I shook my head back and forth until I was back again.

What was today? Oh, Friday. I glanced at the clock sitting high above the refrigerator, realizing it was well-past noon. Well, fuck. I slept for twelve hours. Coach was probably worried about me, and I wanted to call, explaining my absence but I'd rather not. I shoved my hand in my pocket and found my phone. Rin.

Quickly, I redialed, hoping he would pick up. We were only a few hours behind him, so hopefully he would.

"Haru?" His voice called on the other end. "Is that you?"

"Rin," I breathed with relief, almost bursting into tears. "I'm so sorry I didn't answer last night. Everything's a mess here, honestly and I'm in a heap of it."

"Nah, it's cool," he said, smoothly. This time, I barely heard any background noises. "I'm just chillin' in my new apartment actually. I got a job, Haru!"

"Oh, really?" I asked. I was living off of college funds because my scholarship was practically paid for. "That's great! Where do you work?"

"An aquarium," he said, smug. I stifled a laugh and he added, "If you laugh I will beat the shit out of you when I get there." The line was silent and then I almost jumped out of my skin.

"You're coming back to Japan?" I shouted.

"Oops," he chuckled. "I wasn't exactly supposed to tell you. Makoto and I were planning on surprising you, just for fun. Nagisa, Rei, and Sousuke are coming too actually." I could imagine all of them gathered in a circle, surprising me, but now that was out of question.

"When are you coming?" I asked, my voice high with excitement.

"Makoto said there was some kind of carnival actually. . ." Rin stopped. "I have no clue, I'll have to talk with him, but we're coming next Friday."

"Christmas Eve," I murmured. It was hard to picture, but Christmas was upon us. The first snow had fallen and the cold weather was harshly blowing its winds outside my apartment.

"Romantic, huh?" He laughed.

"N-nothing like that!" I stuttered. "I should go, it's like noon and I fucking just woke up."

"Ehhh? Didja go to a party or something?" He was incredibly curious.

"I'm not the party type of person," I admitted. "See you soon!" With that, I turned my phone off and lightly flung it onto the couch.

whatever happened that night? ➳ makoharuWhere stories live. Discover now