06 ➳ Circumstances of Love

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"One medium-sized cappucino, please!" Hannah ordered, politely.

The coffee shop was located on the corner of where Makoto and I usually said our goodbyes before heading off our separate ways. I'd never even considered stepping foot inside because coffee shops reminded me of cliche love stories and heterosexual couples. Not that I hated straight people. I loved Gou and the boyfriend she'd acquired before we'd graduated. He was on the swim team back home, but I'd forgotten his name.

"Let's grab a table," Hannah declared. She plodded over to a little booth over by windows and I was hesitant at first but Makoto gave me a welcoming delightful look and I started over there. I took off my jacket and sat near the Christmas-decorated windows and Makoto plopped down beside me.

"Wait, Makoto!" Hannah said. "Can you sit next to me since we're sharing that sandwich?"

"Sure!" He said. "You don't mind, right Haru?"

"Not at all," I said, placing a 400% fake smile upon myself. I snatched my hot chocolate from the other end of the table and drank a bit, giving Hannah dirty looks. She didn't seem very bad at first, actually. I decided to start up a regular conversation when Makoto left to go use the restroom. "So, Hannah, are you from America?"

"Yeah! I am!" She giggled. "How did you know?"

"Oh, I have a cousin in America and she dresses just like you actually. And you have an American accent with your Japanese." She frowned and chuckled a bit.

"I do?" She asked, her voice as high as nails on a chalkboard. Keep it cool, Haru. You're just being friendly. "I'm so sorry. Do you know any English, Haru?" I felt my face get hotter than a sauna and I said nothing. "Show me! Show me!" She begged, like a little girl. Damn, she was really pissing me off.

"H-hello Hannah," I stuttered. "My name is Haruka Nanase. Nice to meet you." She squealed in amusement and clapped her hands together repetitively.

"That sounded so cute! You should totally learn English!"

"Eh, I don't really want to. Although, I was kind of hopeless when I traveled with my best friend to Australia." She slammed her palms loudly on the table and leaned in so our faces were legitimately two centimeters apart.

"You've been to Australia?" She cried. Jesus, I was going to kill this girl if she didn't shut up. "That's like, my dream vacation!"

"Hopefully you get to go sometime," I said, half-heartedly. "It's a really nice place, especially the ocean. It calms you down whenever you're upset." Dammit Makoto, come back from the bathroom already! I turned my head to the restroom and the door hadn't budged. Sighing, I took another sip from my hot chocolate when Hannah asked me the most bizarre thing I'd heard for a long time.

"Do you have anyone special in mind?"

"Wh-what?" I sputtered. "No, no, no, no!" For the billionth time, I had to keep myself from blushing but there was no stopping it.

"Aw, you little cutie! You're blushing! Come on! Who is she?"

"Nobody!" I denied. "It's nobody, truly. I don't like anybody."

"You're so boring, seriously?" She whined. "Wanna hear about my crush?" What the fuck we just met? No I don't want to hear about your shitty life. "Yeah, okay!"

"Okay, c'mere," she said, moving over. I got up and sat beside her our shoulders just barely touching. I could smell her strawberry shampoo, the smell of summer. Her eyes sparkled like Makoto's and her determined smile was beyond my sights. "He's really cute and tall and even though we just met, I think he's perfect."

whatever happened that night? ➳ makoharuWhere stories live. Discover now