18 ➳ I Never Told You

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This chapter is dedicated to my lovely best friend who's birthday was May 6th. I hope you had the best birthday ever and I hope this chapter makes you cry in the best possible way. I love you Han! aka @hanskittles :-) HBD!!


Some people say that when you're surprised, you faint if you're really that shocked. I could say that I almost fainted hearing Alyssa blurt out the meet's information in front of Makoto. Of course, he had no clue what we were talking about, but that just made it worse. My eyes were planted on his, interpreting whatever he was bound to say next.

"What meet?"

"What are you talking about Haru?"

"Wait, what's going on?"

Or even better; he probably didn't hear her.

But of course he did. He was looking at her with an expression I'd never seen before. It was like he was going to punch her out of confusion. I approached him, with a glint of hope in my eyes wishing he was going to shrug off Alyssa's words.

"Oh, hey Makoto!" Alyssa greeted, quickly shaking his hand. "I didn't know you two were out and about!"

"Mmmm, yeah," I hinted, gritting my teeth. She'd probably get the signs I was giving her, but she was so blunt it was pissing me off. "Fancy meeting you here, Alyssa." She gave me a warm smile before standing in line to order her coffee like the rest of the customers.

"So what was that all about?" Makoto asked, placing his lips on the coffee mug. "What's at 5 PM in the Tokitsu Sports Arena?"

"It's an event. . . that I have to attend with Alyssa for like, five minutes," I said. I was trying to keep it cool, but my face was practically raining sweat.

"Ohhh, ok," Makoto answered. "I was so worried that you were going to miss the carnival." He slid his hand across the table and laid it on mine, clasping his fingers around mine. "But I know you wouldn't do that, right?"

"Yep." My voice was flat and nonchalant. On the inside, it felt like I was a too-full water balloon ready to burst. I moved my hand towards my lap and rested it here, unsure of what to say next. The conversation was slowly fading away.

"I'd better go," Makoto said, breaking the silence. He pushed his chair back and swung his backpack over his shoulder. He flashed me a smile and I tried to smile back, but an awkward and kind-of-creepy grin was plastered across my face. "You alright?"

"Huh?" I asked.

"You seem kind of. . . jittery."

"Nah, just excited about tonight."

"Really? Me too! I'm so psyched, oh my god." His voice was like the soothing sound of a church bell on a lovely spring day; waves of water sprinkling into a fountain. It wooed me, actually I was a sucker for him.

"I'll see you tonight then, Haru," he said, before dashing out the door. I watched him trail down the sidewalks of Tokyo, his face held high and his spirits dancing above him. Everything was going to collapse today. I picked at the rip in my jeans and sighed.

"That's the bae isn't it?" Alyssa's voice creeped up my neck and I bounced in my seat, startled.

"Alyssa!" I cried, my face flushed. "Shut up, would you?"

"God, you two are so cute," she gushed, plopping herself in the seat across from me. "Literally, I was watching you talk to him just a second ago and your eyes were swelling with love. You are so in love, Haru."

"Mmm," I replied. I didn't have any idea what to say now.

"How far have you two gone?" I jerked in my chair and stuck my hands up, rapidly shaking them back and forth.

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