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Julien remained silent as this couple hugged and comforted each other. He felt like an intruder standing there watching them but there was nothing else to do. He had tried to do everything right and it was all in vain. His wife was no longer who he had met in that seedy bar but still he loved her. There were facets of her that he was beginning to know and adore. He didn't know if he could bring her back to him. There was still hope for her according to the doctors, a miracle did not fix everything, but he still had faith that she would come to herself. Doll could no longer recognize their daughter and that killed him on the inside. He sometimes told her stories while he played with her and Doll liked that. Sometimes she asked him for stories just because, the sad thing was that the stories he told her were about the two of them. Stories from their first date, how they got caught in an elevator and he knelt in front of her to lick two orgasms out from her. Other more sinister stories of which he was quite fond of as well.

They were distant memories now.

Julien cleared his throat, "We must hurry before Richard realizes that you are not in your room." Tana released Madox who stood in front of her. Julien observed him with mild interest, he was bigger and stronger than him without a doubt, but this idiot still did not understand the situation he was in and that was obvious. "You can play at being brave all you want but it is not me you should worry about."

"Where is he?" Madox's jaw ticked as if he were trying too hard to remain calm for Tana. How adorable.

"Out. We need to hurry."

"Out where?" He insisted. "How do we know this isn't a trap?"

"Stay here then, I'm leaving."

He didn't have time to deal with this buffoon. Julien could not understand why Richard was so fascinated with him. For weeks Richard tormented Madox in unimaginable ways and always forced him to come. To be honest, Richard never had to work hard to get Madox to cry with pleasure. Julien considered letting Tana know but it was better if she found out for herself. As he turned and turned his back on the lovers, Tana hurriedly put her hand on his shoulder. "Please, wait." She sounded so small, vulnerable. Poor little thing. He regarded her under hooded eyes over his shoulder. "Are you getting us out of here?"

"That's up to you." He raised a brow.

"Tana, we don't know this guy. He could be fooling us all." Madox pulled her back against him on a whim. What an idiot.

"It amazes me how a woman like Tana could lay her eyes on a dumb-fuck such as you."

"Fuck you." He snapped; in two long strides he was there invading Julien's personal space. Julien sighed and stepped back.

"Madox... he is trying to help. Let's go with him."

"Why?" My, this guy is really stupid. "It could be a trap."

"The more you make us lose precious time then the easier it would be to fall into one. Richard is not home, and neither is Carol. We don't have much time left." Julien insisted. He still had to go pick up his daughter before getting Doll from the hospital and then leaving town. Money was not a problem nor would it be, he had long ago made sure that Richard could not find his hidden stash. The lovers agreed to remain quiet and obedient until he could leave them in a safe place, then it would depend on themselves what to do. Julien wasn't a bloody babysitter. The only thing that worried him now was that Richard would discover them trying to flee but luckily for them he had not yet returned to the mansion. Julien led them to the garage, a collection of sports cars and sedans welcomed them. He took one of the keys hanging from the rack on the side of the doorframe and pressed a button. An SUV's alarm and headlights came on. "Hurry." He growled pushing them both in front of him. As soon as they got into the SUV Julien ducked down and slid under the car and searched for the GPS. "Bingo." He wasted no time ripping it off and throwing it away from him. Even with this there was the possibility that Richard would find them and the best thing that Julien could do was pray for that to not happen.

"What happened after, Tana? What were all those screams?" Julien heard Madox in the back seat. He looked in the rearview mirror and realized that Tana was also watching him, as if asking permission to speak. My, this idiot was too curious. It was natural that he wanted to know but this was not the time.

"Can we talk about this later? It's not wise to discuss things now." Tana whispered against his lips and immediately shut him up. Convenient. Julien felt a spark of envy seeing them together and couldn't help but wish to share a close moment like that with Doll. Soon. He assured himself. Soon.

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