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Tana was sitting in the middle of the empty room with her legs crossed. Her entire body screamed in pain with every little movement, with every breath that left her body. She let out a sigh when she turned her head to the wall adorned with pictures of Madox. Pretty had removed most of them but left some for Tana to observe and serve as an incentive to keep scoring points in her favor. Tana had been obedient. She had been a star pet for at least a week. The express training given by Mistress had also begun to bear fruit. Pretty informed Tana that they would start rehearsals soon and then just shoot the scenes when it was time.

She wondered what Madox was doing. She cared for him immensely. Just thinking that someone was watching him from afar while he waited for the opportunity to hurt him was killing her inside. Tana had tried to win over Mistress by all means possible, but it had been a resounding failure. Tana needed allies. How to get allies when she was alone in this damn cell? And then Tana thought of Doll. He hadn't interacted much with Doll other than on those two occasions. Well, one. The second did not count because it was a fantasy. They seemed to keep Doll elsewhere. There was also the problem that the whole room was full of cameras but still had not found a microphone. So, she did a couple of tests. Often, she sang while lying face down on the bed. Others called Pretty profane names and referred to Mistress as an old witch, but nothing happened. All of this led Tana to think that although there were cameras watching her, there was no hidden microphone.

Suddenly the door opened and to Tana's surprise, Doll came in holding a tray with a bowl of soup, crackers and a glass of lemonade with ice. The door closed automatically behind her. Doll paid no attention to Tana as she walked over to the table and set the tray on it. Tana studied her for a few seconds. There was a difference between the two women. Doll was allowed to wear clothes and Tana was not. Doll was wearing a yellow sundress but was barefoot. So, you're important for them.

"Hey!" Tana nodded at Doll and waved, she put on that fake smile she'd learn to master through the years.

But Doll only spent a few milliseconds of her laborious task to see her out of the corner of her eye. Oh no. Tana wasn't going to let her treat her like an object. She did not know if what she had planned to do would bring her problems, but she took a risk anyway. Tana quickly lunged towards the unmade bed and grabbed the heaviest pillow of all and threw it with all her might against Doll's head. The girl yelped and lost her balance. When the poor Doll fell to the ground on her knees, she remained motionless. At first Tana thought that maybe the girl had hurt herself when she fell so she carefully approached her side and just as she was about to crouch, Doll took the pillow by one corner and hit Tana in the face with it.

"You bitch!"

Tana soon recovered from the shock and grabbed the other end of the pillow and pulled forcing Doll to pull the pillow back. A tug of war. How funny they would look on the cameras. Tana was surprised by the strength of this woman, she seemed petite and delicate. A little flower that had grown in a field full of bad weed. She was slim, with small breasts, very pale. It wouldn't hurt her to take some sun to get some color on her pale cheeks. Her brown hair was short, shoulder-length and slightly wavy at the ends. Eyes too big for his face.

Also, of a brown color. A round and adorable little nose. Anyone who saw her on the street would think that Doll was just an innocent little girl.

A sweet girl who apparently ate pussy like a pro.

"What is wrong with you?" Doll began to stand up and dusted off the back of her dress.

"You ignored me!"

"I don't have to talk to you."

Tana crossed her arms. "Well I'm bored here."

"That's not my problem." Doll replied unamused. The little thing bent to pick up the battered pillow and went to fix the bed. She didn't have to talk to her, but it was okay to make her bed and bring her food? Interesting.

"Are you the maid?"

Doll rolled her eyes at her as she tucked in the corners "No?" and seemed pretty offended by the question. Not domestic help, then.

"What are you then?"

"A human."

"Wow. You can make jokes. I guess you're their comedian then."

"If you're talking about entertainment then you should go look at yourself in the mirror."

That declaration stung but Tana didn't let it show. "Funny when you were the one sent to entertain me."

Doll stiffened but remained quiet.

"I gotta say," she did her best trying to sound and look like a dick, "you give one hell of a good head."

Still quiet, however this time she blushed.

"You're not the maid, you're not entertainment... you're... with them?"

When the girl looked away Tana knew she had her.

"And you're okay with this?"

"There are many things that are happening in this house. I don't have to be okay with them all."

"House? You realize you've offered me a lot of information with just saying I'm in a house?"

"And what do you plan to do with it? I assure you that even knowing you're in a house there's little to no chance for you to find means to escape. I suggest you stop trying to intimidate me or whatever it is you think you're doing and accept your situation."

"Which is?"

"You're here to work. That's all. Now behave or lose points."

Tana felt the color drain from her face. Losing points meant hurting Madox. "Please don't... I'll be good, I swear!" she pleaded crawling onto the bed and held up Doll's hands between her own. The gesture was meant to appease her; however, Doll didn't think of it too greatly.

"They're watching, it's better for you not to cross me."

Huh? "They can't hear me then?"

"No." Tana smiled at the confirmation.

"I'll be good, I promise."

"I hope so."

"Do you... do you have to go now?"

"You should eat, the soup is getting cold."

"Do you?" Tana insisted, pleading with her eyes.

"No... why?"

"I'd like some company. I'm lonely and would be nice to have someone here who isn't trying to beat me or train me. You don't have to talk... just be here."

Doll seemed to study Tana after her words. Tana thought that perhaps, for Doll it would also be a relief to share her time with someone different. Someone who wouldn't force her to have sex with strangers or make her do things against her will. Doll didn't say anything, but she didn't leave when Tana sat down at the table and started eating the soup. She offered some to Doll, but the girl refused. As Tana ate, a spider began to weave in her mind. Little by little it took shape and became solid. Tana realized that neither Pretty nor Mistress should be trapped in her web, but Doll.

You're my ticket out of this hellhole.

The Light Under Dark (Book #1 Masters of the Dark Series)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat