Never Been Wrong

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Izuku leaned against the counter, letting out a deep breath when Kirishima finally left. He actually liked having the company, and it was a good distraction from what happened today at school, but he was much more attracted to the idea of being alone with his mate.

"My day was nice for the most part. I actually really enjoyed cooking dinner for you and Kirishima," he admitted while watching his mate clean up the dishes.

"Although, I really think I'm beating you when it comes to cooking skills," he snickered, already picking up on ways to get under his Alpha's skin. Katsuki was competitive and lived for a challenge. It was cute seeing him all fired up.

"I even had Kirishima drooling. He was ready to kiss me," he giggled and bit his lip while watching his mate.


Katsuki snarled and turned to face his taunting Omega. "First, you just got lucky. Second, no one's kissing you except me."

With that, Katsuki took the hose from the sink and sprayed it all over the greenette. "Third, I'm the only one allowed to get you wet."


Izuku gasped and stood there with wide eyes. His shirt had a huge wet spot across his chest. The Omega blinked slowly at his mate who was grinning like he just won some kind of prize. He pursed his lips before rolling his eyes with a small grin.

"Oh? You're the only one allowed to make me wet?" He cooed playfully while leaning back into the counter nonchalantly.

"I've been wet plenty of times before you, Alpha." Probably a bad idea taunting his mate, but he was being literal. Katsuki just sprayed him with water and made a wet joke. How could he pass this up? Hell, he'd been rained on before. The sky made him wet. He smirked, trying to hold back a fit of laughter at his own stupid joke.


Katsuki paled instantly and took a step back. He saw the teasing look in the Omega's eyes and he knew he was just joking around, but for a split second he almost thought Izuku was talking about the same thing he was. It never occured to the Alpha that Izuku could have at least been wet while jerking off to the idea of being with an old high school crush before. Did Izuku even have any old high school crushes?

Frowning, Katsuki decided he never wanted to find out. Instead, he'd rather just let Izuku feel his wrath for teasing his mate. Katsuki turned the sink off and flashed a playful smirk toward the Omega before walking out of the kitchen. He went into their bathroom, plugged the tub up, and turned on the water.

When he came back, Izuku had his hands out in front of him with a wild look on his face.

"What's the matter? Does my kitten not like water? I think it's time for your bath, Freckles." Katsuki popped his knuckles and crouched down in a low stance. "C'mon, I thought you said you've been wet plenty of times before. What's wrong with getting wet once more?"

Then he launched himself at his mate, ready for the chase.


Izuku squealed and took off running through the kitchen and towards the living room. A fit of uncontrollable laughter bubbled up as he heard Katsuki tearing through the kitchen behind him.

The Omega's heart was hammering with excitement as he scampered around, ducking behind the sofa and random object to make his Alpha work a bit hard to actually reach him. His eyes were wide and dialed. The thrill of the chase had him chirping as he ran through random rooms until he was trapped in a corner.

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