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TW// mentions of suicide

Not main character don't worry your pretty little heads 🤍


Ella shook her head despite what she'd had been told. She didn't believe him. Why would his father go for her son, she knew the man wasn't gay. He'd always rant to her about how uncomfortable they made him. That's why she never told him about Jaren. "It isn't about the money or any of that, John I'm in love with h-"

"When I was younger I wasn't the best kid around. I wasn't someone a parent could be proud of, I wasn't smart, I was always causing trouble. My dad- My dad would become embarrassed of me and tell me to not go out. To stay in with my mother, be a model son. To be quiet." John gritted. "A year later I became homeschooled. I was forced to be at home everyday, I could never go out."

He chuckled. "It wasn't as bad as you think though. I had my mother, she was the light in the dark tunnel my father buried me in. She was so talented, so beautiful. You'd have loved her, she was amazing. Everyday she was forced to stay at home with me because she began to become more successful than my father."

"Whenever people talked about my father his wife was always mentioned. He grew jealous, resorted to drinking and giving my mother little to no attention. Began shouting at her. How much he loved her. How much he hated her." John's bottom lip began to quiver again. These were some of the things he couldn't tell Jaren, careful not to trigger the boys memories. So he kept quiet on a few things.

"One time he'd had hit her, she just asked him if she could go outside just once. I pretended all these years that I didn't see it, that maybe I was in a nightmare but looking at him now. I know it had to have been true, it had to have been real." John's voice grew shakier and shakier the more he talked. Hands clasping at the blond locks as he tugged at them. "I watched my only salvation grow more and more sad by the day. Though she always smiled, she always had that damn smile, she always made sure to hide it but I could see it. But I ignored it."

He looked up at Ella now, making eye contact. The woman sat quietly, listening to John. She had no idea how to feel, would that be her? The younger had been spewing every ounce of emotion held within him. "Until it was too late. My dad drove my mother to suicide. I still have her letter, I've never opened it. I don't know if I ever co-"

John stopped eyes widening as he took out his phone and opened the case. A mini folded note was found, still inside the tiny like letter his mom had made long ago. It was true, John had not opened it. "Ever since I found it on the dining table, I've kept it with me everywhere I go. Though I've never read it, it feels as though she's with me. I refused to let my dad have it."

He stared at the mini letter for a minute before pushing it towards Ella. "Open it."

The woman's eyes widened as she shook her head. "N-No, I couldn't possibly.."

"Please." John pleaded. "Read it." He was desperate. She stared at the boy for a minute longer before nodding and grabbing the letter. Ella trembled a bit as she attempted to open it making John place his hand over hers.

The woman only looked up and were met with warm eyes of reassurance. With a sigh Ella nodded once again and undid the letter, taking out a hand sized note. "Dear, whoever this may concern. I am Camila West. I don't know who may be reading this or if anyone has read it at all...

But I was in love. Not with a man but with the art that I created with my own hands. Something that gave my bland life meaning. The person who I gave my life to took that from me, though I could not find it in my heart to leave. If I had left he said I would never be able to express my ideas anymore. That he'd take away my platform. There were so many people who felt because of my works.

So many people my art has saved and inspired. Even if it was for a moment I was free. I was happy, to spill what I felt into something that could hold onto it forever. Even if my brush had been taken from me, I still had hands and if those were taken I still had feet. And if those were taken I had my son, my true inspiration. The one to carry out my work, the one who could express his own ideas freely just as I could.

He's a smart boy no matter what anyone says. Please take care of him. Though I couldn't, if you're reading this don't be afraid to leave to let go. Never be under anyone's mind control, you are yourself and in the end that's all you'll ever have. People may say you look like your father but in my eyes you're my mirror.

The infidelities, the lies, the words, the touches will be gone. I heard in heaven god grants you any wish you want? Do you think that's true? Would I even make it to heaven? I'll update you if I do, look for a sign. Even if it's a small one don't wait for me but watch for me Axel, even if it's a small one.

Love, Camilla.

"Who's Axel?" Ella wondered aloud making John chuckle. She looked from the letter and noticed John's entire face was a light red, tears flowing from his eyes nonchalantly. He looked a mess but there he sat laughing as though the question was the funniest thing ever. "How can you sit there laughing like that you look a mess!"

John smiles. "That was the name she originally planned for me but he wanted a John the fourth since it ran in his family." Ella nodded and stared down at the hand sized note.

"She seems to have loved art.." She muttered in fascination. "You're right. I would had loved to meet her, she considered her passion more and her son.. was herself. She thought of art until her last dying breath and even in the letter you could tell she held no resentment for the man. She barely addresses him.."

The boy holds her hands in his and stared up at the woman. "This is my last time begging you and if you say no, I know there is no way else I could help you. Believe me when I say I wish nothing but the best for you and Jaren. We've tried everything and at this rate I know he won't give up." John solemnly spoke. The tears drying from his face and mood now more confidently than ever. "Will you be okay with Jaren going the rest of his life trying to save you from the outcome I experienced?"

Ella gulped. Eyes wandering to the letter and hands a bit fidgety beneath John's. After being told all of these things was she just supposed to flatly disagree? Maybe happiness was never on her side in the first place but at the same time she was the cause for someone's grief and happiness. That person feeling the same emotion she felt and the same agony she may feel. She nearly threw up at the way she'd had treated him. Jaren. Would he ever forgive her for being such a terrible mother?



Looked something like this but just a wittle bigger.

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