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I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up. I fucked up.  I don't know if I've said it already but I FUCKED UP. My fingers gripped tightly on my hair as I slid down the door to my room slowly. My heart was beating so fast it felt like I couldn't breathe, how the hell was I'm going to face him. We're in the same house for fucks sake, speaking of, we're going to be in the same house until one of us moves out.

I have feelings for him,

that was no secret. How it started? I don't fucking know. He was hot as hell, god, how he trembled cutely beneath me. Mouth slightly opened showing his pretty perfect row of teeth. Oh, and his eyes, god those hazel eyes glazed over and tilted to the back of his head. Soft brown  hair fluffed over the bed as his head cranes to the bed, some glued to the crown of his head. He glistened, and his soft gasps and sinful moans.

I should've kissed him, but that would've made things worst. His helpless whimpers and lust filled gaze, "Fuck.." I was hard again... THIS IS BAD. After finally composing myself I stood up, a loud knock resonated on my door.

"Master John and his fiancé are here, please come greet them." It stopped. My heart just stopped. It literally just fucking stopped. "Sir?"

"Y-Yeah," I croaked out. "I'm on my way, just ch-changing." I lied. The sound of footsteps retreating sounded and I quickly got black sweats and random white t-shirt. Running off to the large marble floored bathroom and taking a cold shower.

The cool water spilling out the header, it helped relieve a lot of stress. I was hot, the awkwardness of the situation was already suffocating me was as vibrant as ever. I placed a hand on the white walls of the shower, letting the liquid run down the middle of my hair as I held my head down.

God, do I really have to go out there..?


I walked out of my room, drying my hair with a white towel. My feet drew me closer and closer towards the stairs. One hand on the railing as I descended.

Deep breath.

That seemed so hard to do right now, it didn't take long for me to make it to the ground floor level. Taking a left to be met with three heads sitting in the living room, one I quickly noticed as a fluffy haired someone. It's not awkward unless you make it awkward John, you got this.

I walk towards the large modern gray living room, they were in a conversation of their own before their gaze immediately snapped to me at the sound of the creaking floor board. Eyes scanning the room as two of them looked at me with a smile and, well, the third one staring at me with a blush before looking away.

I cleared my throat. "Hi."

"John, son, I'm so happy to see you again." My father chirped. Well if you're so damn happy why the hell would you send me away in the first place? He stood up, giving me a 'man' hug and shaking my hand. "How are you holding up?"

His smile was so wide I thought he'd break through his skin. "I'm doing just fine father." I spoke, trying my best not to grit my teeth at his fake act of genuine happiness. 

"Well that's nice son," he chuckles. "Sit down." At his words I tried to sit by him on the opposite couch of where Jaren sat but- "No by your brother." I almost threw up, like genuinely nearly threw up.

- Stepbrother | [ KRIIZY ]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin