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"Here?" Jaren wondered aloud. "No."

They'd had gone door to door. Courage swore he'd smelled the familiar scent somewhere. "Where are you leading me to dog?" Jaren asked impatiently.

Courage snarled before continuing his search. They came across a door and that was when courage stopped sniffing. Pointing his nose at the door and nodding. "Here?"

I just fucking nodded at the damn door what do you think? Courage thought. He nodded again and Jaren only shrugged. "Okay." The human of the two opened the door and were met with a sight.

"Have you never heard of knocking?!" A duck was thrown his way but Jaren was lucky enough to turn to the side to avoid it. There was eustace in the huge tub in the guest bedroom taking a bubble bath. The old man had a back washer and was scrubbing his back while standing.

The bubble suds running down his leg and exposing his old used and nude glory. Jaren saw white before nearly passing out. "Is this what death is like? Take me." He muttered but the back scrubber was then thrown at his head.

"Get our you damned youngin!!" The old man shouted and Jaren immediately shut the door before he could throw another duck. Courage and Jaren made eye contact before the dog laughed in the most weirdest way possible.

The boy sighed. "We're not looking for your owner we're looking for mine, you damned dog." Jaren crossed his arms over his chest and courage only tilted his head. "Maybe if I give you something to sniff do you think that would help?"

Should've did that from the damn beginning. Courage thought. Jaren rummaged in his pocket for something. He pulled out one of John's many rings from his collection that he stole. "Here, sniff it." Jaren bent down and had the dog smell the ring.

Courages tail shooting up as he started sniffing the floor again and moving in a direction he felt was right. "Let's hope this works." Jaren muttered before following the dog again.


John was underneath the bed. It'd took him a matter of second thought before he was hid beneath the tall king sized bed. His dad entering only seconds later. Whistling a tune he's heard multiple times before. He held his breath in order to not make a noise, watching his dads feet walk to the left side of the large room.

"Stupid fucking kids, I'll get rid of all of them after this." The man snarled as he took off his clothing aggressively. John watched as articles of clothing hit the soft white carpeted floor. "One of them was even a fucking gay, imagine that. I should've checked my damn invitation list. Bet, they're friends with that damn homosexual son of hers." Joggers being pulled up to the mans waist.

John gritted his teeth. Fists clenched as he held himself back from getting from his hiding sight and punching the man in the face. "Disgusting." That was it, but before John could get up the sound of the door opening was heard.

The blond haired turned to the door and recognized those shoes anywhere. Though, he's never seen the dog before. The dog made eye contact with him. "Jaren?"

The said boy stood in one spot. "H-Hello, sir."

John's eyes widened. "Come in, no need to be so timid." John's dad chuckled, that was when John remembered his dad was practically naked.

Jaren shook his head, taking a step back. Voice shaky as he spoke. "I-I really shouldn't intrude. You look like you're getting ready so I'll just-"

"I said come in." The older mans voice boomed. Holding so much dominance it shook Jaren to the core. Jaren did as told and stepped inside the room along with courage who stared up suspiciously at the man. "Shut the door."

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