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"We're gonna just talk to her and hope she understands." John soothes. "Let's not think about the worst possible scenario just yet."

Of course Jaren knew he shouldn't be thinking about what might need to be done but he couldn't help it. It was bound to happen whether he told his mom or not. If she left him he'd most likely still leak it. All this wondered in Jaren's head as he stared out at nothing but the door in front of him.

"Let's do it." Was all Jaren said blankly before stepping into his moms shared room with John's father. John watched him walk in wearily before letting out a cut off sigh.

She sat on the bed doing nothing. Fiddling with her fingers and staring down at them. It left the duo confused on if she'd had been like that the entire time. "Mom?" Jaren called.

Ella quickly looked at her son with widened eyes. Shocked to see him come and visit her suddenly. "J-Jaren? Why are you here? Did something happen? Is there something you need?" She pokes but her son only shook his head and sat beside her as John watched.

"W-We have something to tell you." She stared a bit absentmindedly at her son before looking up at John then back to him.

"What's happening?" Ella questioned and she indeed looked absolutely clueless. Jaren began to fall back on whether if it was the right idea to tell her. He bowed his head, shoulders shaking as he gripped her hands. It stunned her even more.

John noticed and cleared his throat. "It's about my father." At John's voice Jaren stopped shaking, he stilled. Ella drew her eyes away from her son to look at John.

"Yes, what about him? Is he okay?" Her voice quickly turning into worry for her fiancé. It made Jaren itch to shout at her that he wasn't what he'd had seemed.

The older male looked back at Jaren. "That's for Jaren to tell." He nodded to said boy making her once again look back at her son. She tilted her head to get a better look at him and Jaren began to panic.

Why was it so hard to tell her? He thought. She would find out one way or another so it was better if he had done it himself. "H-He's.. he's.." Jaren found himself stuttering.

Ella grew closer, interested in what he had to tell her. What had her fiancé done? It'd been so quiet for the pass days for her, she was sure Jaren and John had gotten along. Jaren began to quiver again. She frowned. "Jaren, you can tell me anything. I'm your mother and I would never look at you differently. Besides it's about John right?" (She means John's dad, my fault for making their names the same because I was lazy 😩)

Jaren continued to shake. Ella removed one of her hands from her sons and stroked his hair. "Just tell me. Everything will be okay." At that Jaren stopped completely. He leaned back and looked into his mother's eyes.

She was taken aback by the sudden action and nearly jumped. "H-He's.." with a gulp and a deep breath Jaren regained composure. "He's cheating on you mom."

Ella furrowed her eyebrows at the accusation. "Jaren not with this again-"

"No this time we have actual proof that he's cheating mom! Look!" Jaren pointed to John and the older male placed the laptop in front of her along with the usb from his dads computer and phone.

John places the cursor above all of his dads files and clicks the one labeled with food numbers. "These are all numbers of girls he had and had been contacting in his phone. They are all labeled ass food names in order to hide who the numbers truly belonged to."

Jaren tried desperately to get across to his mother. John had dialed the said numbers and of course random women came from each numbers requesting for John. "How do I know this isn't another one of your little schemes and that they could be for his son?" She pinched the bridge of her nose in annoyance. Jaren's eyes widened.

"Do you have any other actual proof or are you still trying to break up the engagement?" She asked lividly. "I'm happy, why can't you see that? Why can't you be happy for once Jaren?!"

Jaren stumbled back and stood beside John who held his head down. "That isn't it. We still have records and data from his phone showing that-"

"That's enough." She stopped. "I'll give you one last time to show me actual proof and that's it, I don't have time for this Jaren."

The younger shakily nodded watching John love the cursor over his dads phone messages and deleted inboxes. All showing he'd been getting videos from different women. Ella watched, her eyes showed no emotion so no one had an idea what she could possibly be thinking. "M-Mom?"

She stood up and made eye contact with her son. This was it. They had everything pinning against him to show her, to show that he was a liar and a cheater. It was her turn to make the decisions of what would come in the future. "Mom?" Her son called again.



Oooo it's been a while blame college not me 😔💔

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