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"This is it."

"Jaren." John called absentmindedly. He had so much on his mind but there was really nothing he could say.

Jaren made brief eye contact with John before it was broken. "John." The older couldn't even take in how beautifully he looked in his white tux, red rose tucked elegantly in his pocket. His lover did indeed look 5 star.

It was the day of their wedding. What they've all been preparing for so eagerly. But, all eager for different reasons. The scenery was at one of John's dads beach house, the same one both John and Jaren were forced to stay in. It was supposed to be a happy day but for John and Jaren it felt tragic.

Both boys fearful of the consequences they were prepared to receive. But then again it wasn't both, it was one. Jaren would be the only one most likely luring in backlash. There was nothing John could do but follow behind him as his friends had said.

Speaking of friends, "Johnny!!!" Before John could think, 2 pair of arms were wrapped around his neck. "We've missed you!" Mini exclaimed ecstatically.

"I missed your pool!" Followed up by Marcel. They had all been dressed up nicely in their white suits and tie that they stole from John. It's not like John cared anyway, never in a million years had he expected his father to go this far.

John looked at Jaren from the corner of his eye. The blank look the boy held in his eyes was one he never expected for Jaren to make. One he never wanted him to make. They looked so lifeless, as though he'd attended a funeral. Once again, there was nothing he could do though. He could only smile and be strong for the both of them.

Evan and Tyler finally caught up after Evan scolded Tyler for grabbing four plates full of food from the buffet. "Thwis ish tasthy!" Tyler squealed as he took another bite of the mini burgers.

"I hope you choke." Evan snarled.

"Uhn uh," the latter shook his head. Cheeks stuffed with food as he tilted his head to Mini. Cheekily smirking you himself. "That's Craig's job."

And like that a round of arguments started between the duo. "John, you okay?" Evan asked. No John wasn't okay, far from it even. He couldn't possibly tell Evan that though, not in front of Jaren.

So he nodded. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" He faked. It was so easy to tell.

Evan only stared before his gaze switched over to the shorter person standing inches behind him. He leaned over to get a better look at him. "Hey Jaren."

Jaren turned at the sound of his name. He politely bowed before taking his leave. Not even a word was said, it made John's chest tighten. The blond haired sighed, running a finger through his locks. "Him on the other hand.."

"I wish there was more we could do." Mini muttered. The other three nodded as well, all they could do was play their part in exposing his dad. They couldn't stop him from leaking the footage.

John's eyebrows furrowed. "Or could we?"

Tyler and Evan looked between each other. "Is he talking to himself?" Tyler muttered to Evan as he side eyed John.

"He gets like that when he's stressed, you should know this." The other whispered back but John paid them no mind.

"We're going to stop him." John suddenly announced. All four stared at him in equal confusion, blinking at the male.

Marcel nodded his head. "As in?"

John rolled his eyes before scoffing. Sometimes it astounded he himself at how he became friends with idiots. He thought. "Jaren, we're gonna delete the file. I should've thought of this from the beginning."

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