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"I don't see why it's necessary for us to even buy a suit if we're just gonna ruin the wedding before it even happens." Jaren sighs tiredly.

John pulled his shades down a bit in order to look at the smaller. "We're not really buying a suit baby boy." He chuckled. "I have to run a few errands."

Jaren arched a brow. "Such as?"

John tapped his chin as he thought. "Mm," he hummed. "My business." The older man smirked which only triggered the shorter.

"I'm going home."

Was all Jaren said before he turned back around on the long sidewalk. Quickly being stopped by a laughing John pulling him back. "Wait- doll I was playing."

"We're going to meet the priest and talk to-"

"Meet the priest?" Jaren questioned. Staring at John in sheer confusion as they walked side by side.

John nodded. "Yes."

"Why the hell are we meeting a priest?"

"To get you baptized, why else?" John jokes but that only led to Jaren turning around. "I'm kidding again~"

"You're annoying." Jaren turned back around with a small scowl.

The older chuckled breathlessly at the shorter males attitude. He poked his cheek which was only swatted away. "Why are you so sassy?"

"Don't change the subject you ass."

John rolled his eyes playfully. "He's not actually a licensed priest. He's good friends with a friend of mine." He informs but that leads Jaren into further confusion.

"What do you mean?" Jaren asks. Eyes tracing John for any hint of maybe a joke or a understanding.

John shook his head. "Do you trust me?"

Jaren furrows his eyebrows at the sudden question to his question. "Of course not." The younger scoffs.

John gasps. "But doll~!" The older whines, clinging to Jaren who tried pushing the taller away in annoyance.

"Get off of me you heavy fuck!" The shorter squealed. People around began looking at them, giving judgmental stares that Jaren too quickly noticed.

His face flushed in embarrassment at the amount of commotion they were making. "John move." He whisper shouted but John held other plans.

"No, say you trust me!" He demands and Jaren wanted to slap him across the head.

Jaren grits. "Why are you so childish?!" The older rested his head atop of the shorter males, pressing his weight on him.

"Am not."

"And you want me to trust you?!"

"Yes." John shrugs.

Jaren sighs, reluctantly giving the man what he was wanted. "Fucking fine. I trust you!"

"Cool." John nonchalantly says as he only continued falling on the shorter.

"John!" Jaren shrieks as he began to lose balance. "We're going to fall you idiot!"

John laughed but before he could say more the duo fell on the ground shortly after. A loud thud and an oof was heard as they went fumbling to the concrete. "John you- ow!"

"Watch where ya going ya damn millennials!" The two looked up and were met with an old man waving his cane and bopping them on the head with it. "I got places to get, get out the damn way."

John was the first to move so the man would stop hitting him. It didn't hurt cause his wrinkly arm couldn't arch back far enough but at the same time it didn't feel good. "Okay, we're up!"

- Stepbrother | [ KRIIZY ]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя