I step out of the car with Caleb. We just got back from our honeymoon and Caleb insisted on us going to a business party.

He says I'm his wife and I have to be there with him. So here we are.

"Shall we?" He smiles raising his elbow slightly for me to take.

"Yeah," I reply and clung onto his arms.

"Pookie I thought this was supposed to be a business party?" I ask when I sighted the whole family and a few other people I don't know.

"Welcome back honey." Mom hugs me. I looked confused but happy. Caleb said it was a business party but it looks like a family reunion or something.

The whole family welcomed us back and I flashed a smile. Cynthia giggled and hugged me.

"Good to have you back Stacy."

"Thanks." I smile.

"Stacy you might want to see this." Mom smiles and I turn my gaze to look at Dorothy. Not just Dorothy, the real Dorothy.

"Dorothy!!" I hug her. I looked at her and she could walk. Her face was different from Clarissa's as she was now wearing the face of Dorothy.

"How did this happen? How did you change your face? Oh my God, you can walk now?" I rushed out my words in excitement. It felt so good to see Dorothy in her real face.

"One question at a time bestie. After my spinal cord surgery, I realized that face wasn't my face. I mean, it caused you so much sorrow Stacy and I had to change it back to my real face, the Dorothy you know. And I underwent facial surgery."

"It's so good to have you back." I hug her again trying to fight back my tears.

"Stacy you seem to be forgetting something." She smiles.

"What?" I look at Caleb who was smiling.

"Happy birthday babe." He smiles as some guys unveil the front of the building that was covered with a white cloth.

At the top of the building, 'STACY'S RECIPE' was boldly written.

"Oh my God!" I closed my mouth in awe. I can't believe I forgot today was my birthday.

I walk to the front of the building, it was as big as a hotel. It was a yellow-painted two-story building.

"Cut the ribbon babe." He smiles as he gives me the scissors decorated with balloons and ribbons.

I smile taking the scissors from him as I cut the ribbon. Cheers and applause echoed into my ears.

I smile climbing into Caleb's arms as I kiss him. He wasted no time in kissing me back as his hands flung around my waist.

"Thank you." I whisper in between kisses. He smiles and takes my lips back into his mouth.


"Caleb!" I yell as Caleb came running into the room.

"Seriously? Stacy stop giving me heart attacks." He says trying to catch his breath like someone who just ran a marathon.

"My water just broke." I cry.

"Does that mean you are in labor or something?" He panicked. I get it. I've been stressing him a lot lately with all my nagging and mood swings which I didn't experience in my first and second pregnancies. We will talk about that later.

"Yes!!!" I scream. He began running up and down in confusion about whether to get me first or the car. He gets the car keys and ran to me.

"Caleb!" I cry as he wraps his hands around my waist helping me up.

I just kept hitting his shoulders in pain as we walked out of the house.

"Ouch Stacy. You will kill me before we get to the hospital." He groans.

"You put me in this condition remember?"

"But you were the one who was begging me to f*ck you." He pouts.

"Caleb the baby!!!" I scream in pain smacking his shoulders again.

He quickly opens the passengers' door of the car as he helped me in. He gets into the car and starts the engine. The gatekeeper opens the gate as he drives out.

        🌞AN HOUR LATER🌞

I smile as I cuddled my baby in my arms. It was a beautiful baby girl and she looked just like me. Caleb sat beside me cuddling me in his arms and I smiled at him.

"She's beautiful just like you." He says and I blush.

He leans closer to kiss me but we were interrupted by the opening of the door. Mom walks in with both my boys and my brother Brian. Mom named him after dad, cause he looked so much like dad.

"Mommy." I smile as both my boys and Brian ran to hug me climbing on the bed while mom smiles at me.

"Mummy she's pretty." Harry says smiling at his sister. He's the child doctors said won't be normal. When he was born, it came as a big shock to the doctors cause he actually cried, a loud one at that.

Several tests were run on him and it was confirmed that he was normal. Caleb and I did panic when after two years of birth, he couldn't talk. God perfected his works and he did start talking.

He is pretty crazy just like me but he looks so much like his father.

"Harry, what does 'pretty' mean?" Oliver my second son asked. He also looks so like Caleb but with a less crazy personality. We had him two years ago.

"Ah, you won't understand."

"Of course, I will. Let's just say you don't know it." That's how they act. Always teasing themselves but they got a great love for each other.

"Sister what will you like to name her?" Brian asked.

"Yes, mummy what's her name?"

"Celine." Caleb and I say in unison.

So that's how I had my third child. God did really bless us. All we needed to do was just believe and that's how we became devoted Christians. Giving to the church and less privileged in the society.

My restaurant is blooming and Caleb recently hit a business contract that made him twice richer than he was. So let's just say he's a billionaire now.

He also got mom a coffee shop in the epic center in London and she's really making it. He also got mom a car and a house.

Cynthia and Arthur got married and are with two beautiful girls.

Dorothy on the other hand married a doctor who took interest in her in the hospital.

Stewart got promoted to an assistant director in the C.I.A. He has a fiancee but is yet to be married.

Life has really treated us well and I know that someday Caleb will make a good king and I will be by his side to rule alongside him as his queen.

I remember this story started off by meeting an arrogant prince. And then leaving my prince for an anonymous lover I met on Instagram that turned out to be a criminal, and I almost lost my life in the process.

That's the reason I decided to write this story. Social media is cool. In fact, some people get married through social media but they are bad people on social media, just as they are in the real world. One just has to be careful with the type of people we meet on social media.

             🌸THE END🌸

The story is finally over guys. What do you think about it? Let me know your comments and views guys. I hope you enjoyed the story. Please don't forget to vote guys.

I'm done developing a new story for your reading pleasures and as promised, it's my New Year's gift to y'all. You can help me by voting for my stories to encourage me. This will be my fifth story so far. What do you guys think? Am I writing well? Or are there any things I can do to change or make it better? Let me know guys. I'm writing for you guys.

Happy New Year in advance.

I love you all. I'm out.

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