“Sorry I’m late,” The boy said sitting next to Taehyung. 

He looked at me and smiled, “Who are you?”

I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. I closed my mouth. I looked at J-Hope.

“Jungkook, this is Kim Hee Young. She works for Mrs. Min,” J-Hope said and I nodded.

“Ah~ Hello Hee Young, I’m Jeon Jungkook,” Jungkook gave me a cute smile.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jungkook”

He nodded.

The 7 boys started to converse and I just sat there…like an eighth wheel. Is that even a thing? I tapped Yoongi’s shoulder.

“Yoongi-ssi, can I leave. Please?” I asked

“Yea, yea,” He said then continued to talk to Namjoon.

 I stood up and excused myself. Not that any of them heard me. I left the cafe, and went to the spot where I last left the bike. The bike wasn't there. 

“Wha—where did it go! Oh my!” I let out a frustrated sigh and messed up my bangs

I started to walk straight. Okay, now I take a left—no right. Or was it left?

“Obviously it’s right. Right is always the right answer,” I said turning right.


It’s been 30 minutes and I still don’t see the familiar road where Yoongi’s house is. I’m lost, again. 

“Oh no! I had to go left! Right isn't the right answer, left is!” I cried pulling at my bangs


J-Hope noticed that Hee Young had been gone for a long amount of time. He thought she’d left to use the restroom

“Hey, Yoongi. Where is Hee Young?” J-Hope asked 

“She left,” He said and continued telling his story to the rest of the boys. 

‘She seemed unsure of her way back…’ 

He quickly stood up, “I’ll be right back.”

J-Hope ran out the store and looked around. She wasn't there. He ran a bit further and spotted a boy riding the blue bike.

“Hey! Is that bike yours?” He asked going up to the boy

“No, someone left it here. They probably didn't want it,” He shrugged.

Lies (Suga/Min Yoongi) {ON HOLD}Where stories live. Discover now