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The rest of the week all my friends came to see me. The week though went by slow. I believe this is the only time I will ever be happy to get to school. My concussion is gone. My arm is healed too. (I know it is early too for a broken bone to heal but go with it) Today it is Monday. I get out of bed and comb my hair. Then I put on a pair of jeans, black jacket, a white tee-shirt, and white vans. Then I head to school, I have 30 minutes till class so I decide to walk to school.

"Hey Tris!" A voice behind me says. I turn to see Four.

"Hey Four how are you?" I says back as he jogs up to walk by me.

"Great how is your arm?" He asks me.

"Oh you know broken."

"Yeah yeah!" He says back.

"I didn't know you lived by school." I says.

"I don't Uriah and Zeke do. I am living with them till I get my own place." He tells me.

"Cool!" Then we arrive at school. We head our lockers together then french. On our way to French we are stopped by some guy I don't know. He has dark hair, brown eyes and is about the same height as Four.

"Hey I'm new can you tell me where French is?" The boy asks.

"Yeah that's where we are going. Just follow us." I ask.

"Oh I name is Eric." The boy tells us.

"Tris and this is Four." I says back. Then we head to French. Four sits in the far corner and I sit next to him. Eric sits on the other side of me. I figure he doesn't know anyone else so he sat with us but when I look at Four he seem mad. I wonder why? Then the rest of class goes by in a blur and so does math. Now it is gym. I head to my locker and drop off my books. Then I head to the gym locker room. I change into a pair of shorts and tee-shirt. I leave on my vans. Then I head out and go walk by Four, Uriah, and Christina.

"Hey" I says to my friends.

"Hey Tris!" They says back but before I can respond Eric comes over.

"Do you guys know what we are doing today?" Eric asks us.

"We don't know we do something different every day." Christina says back. "Who are you?"

"Oh sorry I forgot I'm Eric."

"Oh ok I'm Christina and this is Uriah." She points to herself and Uriah.

"Ok class let's get started with some push ups and sit ups. Go 20 each!" Coach Amar.

We all start to do our push-up but coach yells, "Stop! Stop! All of you are doing them wrong exept Eric and Four. Four Eric come up here and show how to do a push up."

Four and Eric walks up there and start to do push up when Amar yells," Tris, Maya come sit on their backs. Now!"

Maya sits down on Four slowly and careful. I hesitant. I really don't want to sit on some guy I don't know too well. Other then the guys in our group I really don't trust any other guys.

"It's ok Tris. Just sit down and have fun." Eric says in a werid voice like he's trying to be cool. At the last comment Four's face twists in to envy.

I sit down slowly on Eric's lower back. Then he starts to do push ups and so does Four. After about five they don't stop. Soon I realize that they made this a completion without saying it. I wonder why?

"Four, Eric stop that all you have to do." I tell the boys.

"Four why don't we make this a completion. Who can do the most push up with the girls on us. Winner gets to kiss Tris." Eric tells Four.

"Hey! Hey is it me? Why can't it me Maya?" I ask them. Though before I get and answer Four says,"Your on!"

Then they start after about 20 minutes they are a 70 each and I wonder how much longer this will take?

"Hurry up you guys! I am getting bored!" I complain like a two year old. Then Eric and Four start to shake. Then they both go down taking Maya and I with them. I fall down and end up laying on Eric. Quickly I jump up and reach my hand down to help Eric up. He takes it and stand up with grace.

"I won! You fell First!" Says Eric.

"No I didn't! You did." Yells Four clearly mad. He pants a little as he talks.

"It was a tie, so you both get to kiss Tris." Says Christina. I shot Christina a angry look and she just shrugs at me.

"I can life with that what about you?" Asks Eric.

"Yeah same." Four says back the anger gone from his voice.

"You guys only get to kiss my check no more got it. Or I will kill you!" I threaten.

They both nod and walk up to me. Four kisses me first them head to the locker room says that he will see me later. Now it is just Eric and I. Then he walks up to me and kisses me. He has his hands on my back as he does this. I start to get scared as he moves his hands down my back to my butt. Then he touches it but his hand moves away as fast as they can go and he heads to locker room with out a word.

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