You're Cute

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Citrus scale warning: Orange level gayness. If you don't know what that is, that's okay. It's just a very fluffy and gay chapter :3

Bill's POV

I could barely sleep that night. I was up late, planning the perfect day for Dipper. After a few hours, I had decided to make him breakfast in bed and getting him a warm bath. After that, I was still clueless... I'm sure it'll come to me.

Or he'll hate it all and do something else.

"Argh!" I exclaimed. The voice in my head was back, pounding my brain with negative thoughts. I rolled over in my bed to look at the time. 6:00, Mabel should be up by now. Instead of letting the voice get to me, I decided to get up and talk to Mabel.

As soon as I walked outside of my room, the smell of sausage filled the air. My mouth watered as I came to the kitchen, "Smells amazing, Mabel!"

"Hey, Bill! Didn't think you'd be up this early. Couldn't sleep?" She had her hair braided back, and a pink apron tied around her waist.

"Something like that." I sat down and watched her twirl around the kitchen like I did that first morning here. It was just as magical then as it was before. "Been trying to think of what I could do to make today perfect for Dipper. I insisted on taking care of him today and making it his day-off, but now I can't think of what to do for him."

She paused for a second while waiting for her toast to cook, "Why not just ask him?"

"I want to surprise him, though." I leaned on the counter and traced a triangle with my finger.

Mabel just chuckled, "Well, I don't know about you, but he was plenty surprised yesterday. Stayed up late talking about you, too. I think it'd be better if he decided what you two did. Maybe then he'll actually get the guts to...Ah, nevermind. I'll let him tell you." She shrugged her shoulders and finished plating breakfast. She slid me a plate and sat down next to me.

As confused as I was about that last part, I thanked her and began eating in silence. After some time, Mabel got up to leave, but turned to me, "Just go talk to him. Trust me."

I thought about what she said as I poked my food. I didn't exactly have an appetite, seeing as I was so nervous about today. Maybe what Mabel was trying to say was that Dipper hates you... Perhaps she was just trying to let you down easy...

"Bill?" A familiar voice called out.

I snapped out of it and realized Dipper was standing right next to me. My cheeks flushed, and I tried to play it off smoothly, "Hey, Dipper. Good morning! How are you?"

He shrugged and began fishing through the fridge for food, "Eh, better than yesterday, that's for sure. What about you?"

"That's good." The voice in my head screamed at me, the headache returning. I stood and walked over to him, looked into his eyes, and hugged him around the waist. The voice died down as I snuggled my head into his neck. Dipper's breathing quickened for a second before his arms wrapped around me and accepted the hug. He rubbed my back, and I sighed deeply before letting go, "I'm glad you're doing better. Even if it is only a little."

Dipper looked into my eyes, and I realized he was blushing as well. I let go of him and stepped back, rubbing the back of my neck, "So, what do you want to do on your day off?"

He thought about it for a second, turning back towards the fridge, "Probably just watch tv until noon and then get a shower. Maybe go on a walk up to the floating cliffs... I dunno, didn't really give it much thought."

"Well, is there anything I can do to help you have the perfect day? I could make you breakfast, give you a massage..."

He just laughed and put a finger up to stop me. "Well, you could stop fussing over this whole 'day off' nonsense and join me on the couch." Dipper grabbed a granola bar from one of the cupboards and walked over to the living room. I noticed, however, that it was a single-seat. He sat down and turned on the tv, leaving me the arm of the seat free. I sat down awkwardly, not quite sure what to do. He looked over at me, confused, "What are you doing?" He slid over, giving me half of the chair. I blushed madly and sat down next to him, our legs pressed up against each other. He blushed softly as well, and slowly intertwined his fingers with mine.

What Is This Feeling? ~ BillDipWhere stories live. Discover now