You Alright?

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Dipper's POV

I ran. That was all I could do. I was so scared...and confused... You treat me like I'm your demon servant, sent from hell to do your bidding. When I first saw his demon form, I was so scared. I didn't know what I should think of it, so I pushed it away. I pushed him away. And now, everything is falling apart, and it's all my fault...

But at the same time, I should be scared. He has the power to take down dinosaurs in seconds without even breaking a sweat. I don't want anything to do with that. It was that same power that almost got all of Gravity Falls destroyed in the first place...

I finally stopped running and leaned up against a stalagmite to catch my breath. Mabel followed close behind me, placing a hand on my shoulder to balance herself. "You alright, Dipper?"

"I don't know. Everything happened so fast." I slid down the stalagmite, bringing my knees up to my chest. "At first, I rushed in so blindly, hoping the past would just disappear, but now I'm scared and confused... I just don't know what to think anymore."

Mabel took off my hat and began playing with my hair, "I know how you feel. It's normal to feel confused when the world is putting this much weight on you. But, may I offer some words of wisdom: Life has to be lived one step at a time. Take everything slowly, the answer is not going to come right away. It will eventually, but it will take time. And, I'm always here for you, pulling you back up when you fall."

A smile forced its way onto my face, and I turned to look at Mabel, "Thank you. I needed to hear that." I leaned over and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Any time, bro-bro." She continued to play with my hair as we just sat there in silence. My eyelids started to feel heavy, and before I knew it, I had fallen asleep...


When I came to, Mabel wasn't next to me. I rubbed my eyes and looked around, trying to find her. I sat up and saw a figure to my right coming closer. "Oh, Mabel, there you are. Startled me for a second there!" I said with a nervous chuckle.

But, as this figure came closer, it seemed different than my sister's body shape. My heart pounded. Is it Ford...? Blue flames engulfed one of the hands. Bill. But, he seemed more menacing than ever. It wasn't his demon form, it was the very way he walked. Quiet and calculating, measuring every step, taking in every detail with sharp eyes. I stood and held my ground, despite being terrified of what could happen.

"Dipper..." He began, reaching out a fiery hand, "Let's make a deal."

"Wait, what?" I stepped back in shock.

"You heard me. Let's make a deal. I promise to never hurt a Pines for the rest of my existence, if..." He fell to the ground on one knee, "You w-will be my b-boyfriend..."

I felt my cheeks burn, and my heart thumped madly. I tried to think about this rationally, despite my heart wanting to just jump into his arms. Is there a downside to this? He won't hurt a Pines family member ever again if I become his boyfriend. Are there any double meanings? Loopholes?

"No tricks, no secret meanings. Just exactly what I said." Bill explained.

I looked around to see if Mabel or Ford were watching. I saw them hiding behind some debris. Mabel looked excited, whereas Ford was smiling reassuringly, knowing I would be hesitant. I looked back at Bill and saw a scared, anxious look in his eyes. Tears started to well up as my answer became clear, "Okay, I'll do it." I shook his flame-engulfed hand and watched as it lit up my own hand.

Bill's grip tightened, and the flames disappeared. He pulled me in close and wrapped his arms around me. I was surprised at first, but there was a warmth that came with his hug that made me melt into his arms. We would have stayed like that a little longer, had it not been for Mabel's squealing as she ran up to us. "Eee! So that's a yes? Oh my god, we've got to mark this day down! Anniversaries are very important to remember in relationships. And don't worry, I'll start planning the wedding! Oh, this is so exciting! You guys are so cute together!" Bill and I both blushed at the mention of a wedding, but thankfully Ford saved us by interrupting Mabel.

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