We Need To Talk

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Sorry for the long wait! Hope this makes it up :D  Stay tuned for the next chapter, it's going to be amazing!!

Bill's POV

I stood quietly in the corner of the Mystery Shack kitchen, too scared to move or speak. Dipper and Mabel whispered to each other, while Ford clacked away at his laptop rapidly. An awkward stillness filled the room when Dipper and Mabel stopped talking. Mabel went to break the silence, but Ford shot up from his chair with a loud, "Eureka!"

"What is it?" I asked, glad the quietness was finally gone.

"I figured out what is going on with the dinosaurs!" He turned his laptop to face the rest of us. On the cracked screen, there was a line graph labeled 'Weirdness Level.' It remained low, until the end of it which had a large spike reaching past the screen and coming back down. Ford pointed at it and explained, "This was about a month ago. When Bill came back. The weirdness level spiked enormously, then eased back down. There's a possibility that the amount of weirdness was so much, it started affecting the creatures here."

"Such as the dinosaurs..."

"Exactly. Thankfully, the spike didn't last long, so it has only affected a few of them so far, but there's always the possibility of there being more. I think we should check the abandoned mine cave to see how many dinosaurs have escaped." Ford continued, pointing his thumb behind him in the direction of the mines. He pulled back his laptop and typed away at it once more. "I can get to work on a tracking device for the affected dinosaurs so we can fight them off."

Dipper folded his arms and glared out the window, "What are we waiting for? Let's go." He turned and stormed off, clearly angry about something. Mabel shot me an apologetic look before following her twin outside, and I was left alone with Ford.

As worried as I was about making amends with Dipper, something else caught my attention. "Hey Ford, do you have a minute to talk?"

"I suppose so. What is it?" He asked, not even looking up from his laptop.

"How did you know so much about my powers? You knew exactly what to do with that first attack, and didn't even bat an eyelash when I first transformed. How did you know about it?" Perhaps knowing more about my powers can help me control them, and by extension, save things with Dipper...

Ford sighed, "That's much too long of a story that we don't have time for. Let's head over to the mines."

I couldn't help but get a little frustrated at that. Every time I have a question, everyone avoids it. They...Do they even respect me...? Ford placed a firm hand on my shoulder, "Come on. We're going to need your help in case we run into trouble." There he goes again, hinting towards my powers. Is that all he thinks I'm good for...?

That same voice I've pushed down so many times attempted to boil up once more, dwelling on my new thoughts. As we drove to the mines, a headache racked my brain as I fought with that voice. Everyone loves me...Right? Dipper needs me...But he's so mad, I doubt he'd even want my help... I'm useless. But...even though he might not want me, I need to be there for him, to protect him. I couldn't forgive myself if anything happened to him and we didn't makeup.

"Y'know, Dipper, mom calls me special..." Mabel started, "But I have to remind her my name's not Ed!" She laughed hysterically, nudging a reaction out of Dipper.

He smiled. Small, yes, but he smiled and looked over at Mabel, "You tell that one to me all the time, don't you have a new one?"

Mabel ate it up, laughing even more, "A new what? A new mom? That'd be hard to pull off!"

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