Erupting into giggles, Florence could not believe that he had made that joke. Shoving his shoulder playfully, she kissed him deeply and then made a move to unwrap his towel. Instead, she spun around and practically threw herself into the joined bathroom, locking the door behind her.

A few seconds later knocking could be heard on the door, followed by Dylan's groan of annoyance. She giggled as she knew he would be suffering from a severe case of blue balls. 

"Mi Amore, that was absolutely cruel and uncalled for. You don't do that to a man." 

"I'm sorry baby, but the opportunity presented itself and I just had to take it. Forgive me please?"

"Of course, I'm not actually mad. That would be so stupid and toxic of me to be upset about. I love you for everything besides your body, now go make yourself pretty. Wait, you already are, what am I talking about?"

Laughing, she felt her cheeks warm at how cute he was being and because of the compliment. Removing her dirty clothing, she hopped into the shower stall and got to work, making herself presentable. 

Thirty (30) minutes later, everyone had gotten ready and were chilling in the lounge, waiting for their carolling party to arrive. 

Nora and Paul were dressed in matching couple Christmas jumpers, jeans, snow boots and oversized winter coats with wool gloves on. The older man wore a Santa hat on his head and everyone enjoyed the sight of him swinging his head around to jingle the bells on the end of his hat. 

Leo and Eden had chosen to the same as the Green's, opting to wear ugly Christmas sweaters that were oversized. They wore jeans, with Eden wearing Uggs and her husband in grey doc martins. 

Milo wore all black shirt, jeans, boots and a beanie. His fingers were adorned with a few silver rings on both hands and his trusted Rolex on his left wrist. Vivian was dressed in black flared pants, a peach coloured tight-knit sweater and black close-toed wedges. 

Dylan was also dressed in all black like his best friend, with a trenchcoat and gloves to match. His light brown hair was tousled slightly to give him that 'just rolled out of bed' look. 

Florence had put on light makeup, with a ruby pink lipstick, her curls with tamed into a high ponytail and the only jewellery she wore was the Cartier love bracelet and emerald stud earrings. She donned a jade coloured jumper, that was tucked into a black faux leather skirt and her favourite black faux leather, thigh high heeled boots. 

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang signifying their party had arrived, everyone got up and headed to the door. Greeting the neighbours, both families stepped out, they were handed the booklets that had the list of songs and the lyrics. 

Making their way over to Central Park, the carolling group stood under a gazebo and got into their respective positions. Soon after they had gotten there, people from all over started gathering around, forming a crowd in the area to watch and sing along. 

Kayla White, who was the composer of the group, looked over to Vivian and Florence, "Would you two girls like to lead?"

Nodding, both women thank her and move to the front of the party, on the steps of the gazebo. 

"Santa baby, just slip a sable under the tree for me, Been an awful good girl, Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight, Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue, I'll wait up for you, dear, Santa baby, so hurry down the chimney tonight." 

"Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with a duplex and checks, Sign your "X" on the line, Santa cutie, and hurry down the chimney tonight." 

"Santa baby forgot to mention one little thing, a ring, I don't mean on the phone, Santa baby, so hurry down my chimney tonight, Hurry down the chimney tonight, Hurry, tonight." 

The song was finished and the onlookers started cheering for them. They were chanting for the next song to start, so the group did and sang for over an hour. The Christmas carolling was cut short by heavy snowfall coming out of nowhere.

The Green's and the Rodes' decided to head back home. Five minutes later they reach back home and as Paul was placing the key into the keyhole, he was hit in the back of the head by a snowball.

Twirling around, he glared at his son knowing it was him. Milo, in turn, held up his hands and showed that he was not the one to throw the ball of snow. Staring at all of them, he was surveying all of them and before he could realise it, another snowball was flying at him and had been thrown by his wife. 

Quickly picking up some snow, he threw it back at her and this started a snowball fight between the eight (8) of them. It was the kids against the adults. The teams started building little snow walls to block themselves from getting hit. 

The battle went on for about two (2) hours and ended with the parents winning because Paul used Leo as a shield and charged through the onslaught of snow. He crushed through their defences and stole the scarf that was tied to a twig. 

Running back, he made it back over to his team's side and it pronounced a win. After that, they all went into the house, said goodnight to each other and then watched as Paul danced his way up the stairs, swinging his Santa hat above his head.

Florence covered her face with both palms of her hands and started shaking her head. Dylan watched her and chuckled while rubbing her back. He placed his hands on her waist and guided her embarrassed form to her bedroom.

Ten minutes later, the young couple was ready for bed. Slipping under the covers, Dylan lightly kissed Florence on her lips and whispered to her, "Merry Christmas Eve, Mi Amore."

"Merry Christmas Eve, baby I love you." 

"I love you more than anything in this world." 

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