Chapter 53: Liam Bannister

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The brisk wind whistled through the Mildrin Hills and quietly stirred the grassy plains which surrounded the road. Liam had been waiting with his men for a day, hidden atop the cliffs of the Mildrin, which stood tall above the road. It was the road which Alina would take South to Cranst, or at least Liam hoped. He was so certain that she would travel it, but with each hour that passed, the constant sense of doubt creeped closer towards his mind.

"Liam, you should rest. You've been peering off at the horizon for hours. We have plenty of our men scouting the road to the North," Nicholas Brenly said.

"I cannot rest, Nicholas. Our enemy rides South, and we must be ready for them to arrive," Lian said.

"But how can a man fight when he has had no time to rest his bones?" Nicholas responded.

"This should do the trick." Daren Allstad handed Liam a large stein of ale. Lord Allstad held one himself, the ale's thick foam clung to his beard. "The Gods are looking out for us. The moonlight is just bright enough to see the road, but we are hidden in darkness on these cliffs. Alina will never see us," Lord Allstad said.

"All of our scouts have followed the Mildrin Path, North. Only the Valendale lies to the West of the cliffs, certainly they won't risk riding through it," Lord Brenly said.

"Look at the young lad, talking like a war general," Lord Allstad laughed, filled with ale and ready for battle.

"Very well, Lord Brenly. Head to the Western cliff to lead those men," Liam said.

Lord Brenly left with a bow, and Lord Allstad stumbled his way to follow him. Liam sat alone atop the cliffs of the Mildrin. His men were spread out amongst them. There were ranks of archers ready to rain arrows down below. They knelt with their bows in hand, on the Eastern cliff, as well as to the West, on the other side of the road.

The road which ran between the cliffs was a large dirt road. It was certainly the only way for Alina to transport the siege equipment that she would need to attack the walls of Cranst. The road was her only choice, and Liam continued to constantly remind himself of it.

The ale calmed his nerves as he sipped it from the cold stein. The night before him was still, but Liam felt a storm crashing within him. The walls of Cranst had never fallen, his father and brothers had given their lives to see to that. Liam was the last of his name. This battle must be won, for he had to protect that which his family had died for.

His father and older brothers were remembered as strong, brave, courageous men, and Liam had lived within that shadow all his life. All that he wished for was to join them, to be remembered as they were remembered.

Movement at the horizon caught Liam's eye. The moonlight revealed a group riding towards them down the road. His blood coursed through his veins as Liam grasped the handle of his blade, ready to lead his army to war. The soldiers around him all sunk lower to the ground as they waited.

Soon Liam could see that it was Cranst scouts riding South on the road. They approached closer and closer, as their horses rode with haste. And as they approached, their desperate screams cut through the night's fog.

"To the West! To the West!" Before Liam could make sense of the confusion, the sound of pierced flesh and cracking bones broke the night's calm. "Arrows!" Yelled one of the Cranst soldiers. Liam turned to his left to see one of his men with an arrow through his chest.

"Shields!" Yelled another from amongst the foot soldiers. Liam did as the other men and held his shield high above his head. Arrows crashed down against the shields of steel like rain smashing upon a rock. The sound of pierced flesh again returned to Liam's ear. He looked to find others beside him, who's shields had failed them. The arrows came from the West, the cliff on the other side of the road. Liam wondered if the men on the Western cliff had already been killed, who was it releasing this storm of arrows upon them? While some lay screaming the pains of death, their blood streaming from their flesh onto the battlefield, others stood to fight.

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