Chapter 40: Alina Morione

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"I know of your taste for gold. I know of your fleet, and I know of your land. I know of your battles, and your Gods, your wives and your children. Do not mistake me for some incapable, unprepared, uneducated, violent and outraged whore, who has fallen into her chance at the throne. I have anticipated every outcome. I have studied every angle. And I have a very particular plan to arrive at the power which I seek. I have chosen to allow you a part in it. But if ever again, you walk into my halls disrespecting my legitimacy and denouncing my sovereignty, I will see to it that the rest of your face is tarnished, and your name made more appropriate, Houndmouth." Queen Morione spoke with fiery words. She knew of the name most called Algar Craus, Houndmouth. A name which matched his appearance.

"Ah, The Queen of Oaksguard has the heart of a Northern woman it seems. And she perhaps knows more of me than I had presumed. Even still, surely you can understand that a Captain must put first the betterment of his crew. And that betterment is presented in the form of gold. I do not doubt that you have it, and I do not care how you obtained it, I just simply want it." The right lip of Houndmouth bounced back and forth as he spoke, flapping like that of a bloodhound.

"Bannermen!" Queen Morione signaled towards the bannermen who stood near the entrance of the study, waiting in the Throne Room. The bannermen quickly dashed across throne room, disappearing out of Alina's sight.

"Come, Houndmouth. I will show you your God," Said Queen Morione. She walked past Algar and out of the study, as she made her way into the Throne Room. A small doorway had been opened by the bannermen, and they each stood, one on each side. As Alina and Algar Craus approached, one of the bannermen handed the Queen a torch. The two descended down a long staircase, into absolute darkness.

Suddenly, out of the infinite darkness, a golden glow appeared. As they drew nearer, rolling hills and mounds of gold climbed out of the shadows. "Algar Craus, Houndmouth of the Midsea, I present to you my inheritance. The Treasury of Oaksguard." Queen Morione stopped, allowing her greed fueled companion to drown in his lust.

Houndmouth's eyes gleamed, and he slobbered at the mouth like a dog before dinner. The treasury of Oaksgaurd was an enormous wealth, hidden from the rest of Miriela. It was a mass of gold like none other. It had sat under the city for ages, the prized possession of Oaksguard's kings, protected for years under the Keep.

"One fourth of all that you see is yours. You are free to have your men carry it aboard your ships, though it would be kept much safer here. Your fleet will soon be at war, the bottom of the sea is an awfully disappointing place for your reward. But do as you see fit," Queen Morione said.

"My men will trust my word that our gold has been secured. Leave it here. You have gained the power of the Midsea. My fleet fights for you, Queen of Oaksguard," Said Algar.

"Then let us stop wasting time. Return to your ship. Rest with your crew. My bannermen will bring you what food and supplies we can manage. Return to my Keep with the rise of tomorrow's sun. We will attack Cranst soon and we have much to discuss. Ready your men," Queen Morione said. She began to ascend back up the staircase, taking the light of torch along with her.

The two arrived back to the Throne Room, and separated with farewells. Alina returned to her study and continued in her thoughts deep into the night.

The morning came and introduced a grand sunrise. Alina sat in a dark corner as usual. The Captain had returned, but Alina did not turn to face him. She treated him no different than one of her bannermen.

"Have a seat, Captain. There are many plans to discuss. Did you sleep well? I take it your men are well fed, rested, and ready for battle?" Said Queen Morione.

Houndmouth pulled over a chair and sat. Attentive to the Queen. "Indeed, Queen Morione. My men are as rested as they need to be, they are fed, but still hungry for battle," He said.

Alina turned to face Algar, holding several documents in her hand. "Good. I have placed a great amount of trust in the Searfares' abilities in battle. I am sure I will not be disappointed," Said Queen Morione. She set out the documents across a table.

"We will soon attack Cranst, to the South. They're weak. We've been taking their supply from Ferenor for quite some time. Still they must not be underestimated. Their walls are strong. But they sit further to the East than Oaksguard, closer to the Midsea. Your ships will be able to attack from the rivers which feed into the Midsea's waters. I have inherited the Army of Oaksguard, which is small in number. We will need a greater number of men on foot we are to take Miriela. Only half of your fleet will sail to Cranst, the other half of your men will fight as infantry. At the darkest hour of the night, your fleet will attack the Eastern wall, opening the city for our Army to make way. The walls of Cranst have never fallen, not even to Esternlund. They will only crumble with the attack of your ships," Said Queen Morione.

Houndmouth sat back in his chair with a grimace of uncertainty on his face. "My men can fight on the land just as well as they fight on the Midsea. They've had many battles across land and sea alike. But even with my Fleet, your Army is too small to take all of Miriela. Even for all the gold you can offer, this all seems a risk for my men. What happens if Cranst denies us their armies? What good are dead soldiers to us? My men are strong enough to push one front in war. But to defend the East and West, no one army can do such a thing. Securing Cranst with as few casualties as possible is a necessity. Otherwise, I am unsure how long this battle will last," Houndmouth said, folding his arms as he sat back in his chair. "Send a messenger in the night, alone. Send someone that you can trust. Let the terms be explained. Negotiate first. If they are senseless enough to deny your mercy, my fleet will make sure you have your city," Houndmouth said.

Alina was taken aback. She had never had her planning critiqued. And this merciful, senseful, strategical side of Algar Craus was unexpected. The Queen had assumed that Houndmouth simply provided a brute force.

"Your words are wise, Captain. Perhaps you are right, dead soldiers do not make an army any stronger. I will send a messenger to Cranst this morning, who will arrive by nightfall. We will wait for his return before deploying an attack," Queen Morione said.

"Very well. I will return to my men, to keep them ready and motivated. We will be ready for attack with your command," Said Houndmouth. "Be careful, Queen of Oaksguard. Choose your messenger wisely. You may be sending a man to his death." Houndmouth stood from his chair, and left the Queen's Study.

Queen Morione turned back to face her work. She felt strange accepting Houndmouth's advice, Tallion had never questioned her. It was an unfamiliar feeling for Alina, but not necessarily an unwelcome one. She felt a strange kinship to Algar Craus.

And he was right. Alina knew that the messenger may not come back. But it could not be just any messenger. Whomever went to speak in Alina's stead must be someone trustworthy, loyal, intelligent. It must be someone who could deliver her words with perfection. Someone who had carried her words before. "Bannermen," Alina called from her study. The bannermen returned, awaiting their Queen's orders. "Fetch me Tallion."

Alina prepared to hide behind a mask admiration and utter words of love from her lips. It was the same act she had performed for Tallion all the years before, persuading him to do her bidding. It used to weigh a heavy guilt upon her shoulders, but not now. She was the Queen, and what she wished to be done was to be done, regardless of the cost. 

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