People Are Complicated

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Hi again. I know I said I would write frequently and I haven't. I'm sorry.

Life is unpredicatable, and sometimes we can't always keep our word. Though I try to.

And just like life, people are also unpredictable..and complicated.

One thing I've realized being a bisexual is that it doesn't matter whether you like a man or a woman.

People are people and tend to have the same tendencies...whether good or bad.

We like to label men as being unable to commit and not in touch with their feelings.

In truth, women can be the same exact way. Women can be shallow, selfish, and unwillingly to really open themselves up for love.

I've also realized that I fall for people so easily. I like to see the good in a person, and tend to shove the bad off to the side. Until it comes back and hits me in the face hard. And the heart.


I'm content with my life right now. Things aren't amazing, but I'm breathing. I'm learning to be thankful for the little things, like sunsets and beautiful scenery. For good friends that make me laugh, and a family that would die for me depsite how dysfunctional we are.

And I'm crazy about this girl. I just can't read her. She's like this mysterious that I want to solve. But the process may just destroy me. Who knows.

Only time will tell what will happen with her, and for that matter the rest of my life. But for now I'm breathing and alive and taking it one day at a time. As should all of you that are reading this.

Because that's all we can expect of ourselves. Planning for the future is just plain...stupid. Because life is truly unpredicatable 

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