First Day Of School As The "New Me"

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Surprisingly, my first day back to school as the "new me" really wasn't that different from the other days.

I still thought this kid in my class was really cute, and I was determined to get to know him (although sometimes I just feel like giving up)

I didn't feel weird around any of my friends.

I honestly felt the same, but there were a few differences.

1.) I was on this really weird high. I have no clue why, but it was a REALLY nice feeling. I guess I had just been holding this secret in for so long that it caused my body physical pain and now it's free? Haha I don't know.

2.) Weirdly enough, I didn't really feel nervous around Kelly anymore. We talked, and I could only see her as a friend. It made me realize that I could NEVER imagine falling for one of my friends, that would just be gross! And I also don't think I could ever fall for a straight girl, which is definitely a good thing.

3.) There's this girl who sits next to me in math. I'm not sure what the kids in our school consider her to be, but she did hook up with a girl and have a boyfriend, so I'm assuming she's bisexual? Anyways, I noticed that she kind of steals looks my way sometimes, and I kind of like it. 

Well, that's all I've got for now. Like I said, I'm a newbie, and I still have stuff to figure out. I really don't know when the next "update" will be because this is my diary, so I'll write in here when ever I need to. The whole reason I even started this was to just get my thoughts out, since I don't exactly have anyone I can talk to.

But hey, don't feel sorry for me. Feel happy for me, because I'm finally starting to accept myself for who I am :)

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