Never Quitting No Matter What

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Adam's pov:

"Sauli, did you see that?!

        There was no answer so I look over at Sauli, and he's froze in shock.

"SAULI!" I say trying to get his attention.

" yea"

"Do you know who that was?"

"No, I didn't get a good look at the face."

"Damn it. I was hoping you saw his face. But do you think that could be Tommy?"

"No I doubt it. Why would Tommy run away like that in his own house. And if that was really Tommy he would of stayed to see you. He loves you Adam, and he wouldn't just run away from you like that.

"You really think so."

"Of course I do Adam. Tommy would run into your arms and never leave."

"Then why hasn't he come home yet. If he loves me so much then where is he?"

"Adam, if I knew I would tell you. I promise."

"Oh my god Sauli what if Tommy's in trouble! What if he can't get  to because he's lost or something?"

"You really think so?"

"Yes it all makes perfect sense! Tommy can't get to me because he can't. He needs our help Sauli. And we aren't doing anything to help him!"

"Adam, we're doing the best we can."

"Well its not good enough!" I was breaking down in tears. But then I remembered what I told myself so I stop immediately.

"Come on Adam, lets go home. Its getting late."

"Your right, what time is it?"

        Sauli pulled out his phone and looked at the time.

"Its 9:45pm."

"Oh my we lost track of time."

"Yea I know, we were here for over 4 hours! Its insane."

"Hey Sauli, do you want to stay over at my place again?" I really wanted Sauli to stay over again because I felt so much safer when he was with me. I liked knowing that he would be there for me if I needed him.

"Sure Adam, if that would make you happy."

"That would make me very happy." I say with a smile. "Alright lets get going home."

        We walk out of the house, but something told me to stay. It was like my legs would not listen to my brain. I wanted to walk out, but I couldn't. "Sauli I can't." 

"What are you talking about?"

"I want to leave but something in my heart is telling me to stay."

"What are you talking about? Adam we really should be getting home now."

"But what if that man comes back? I need to know who he was."

"Adam please, I really think its best if be go home. We can come back tomorrow if you'd like."

"But Sauli, I just cant leave like this!"

"I know you want to stay here, but what else could you possibly do?"

"I don't know. I can't do this anymore! I'm not gonna be the one who never knows anything! Don't you find it sad, that I didn't even know my boyfriend was alive?! And now I don't even know where he is! I'm done with this shit!"

 "Adam stop it!" Sauli says raising his voice. I could tell that he does not want me to give up. But what else could I do?

"Sauli there's nothing else I could possibly do at this point."

"Adam, you have to trust me on this. Tommy is out there somewhere, and you know that no matter how many times you cry or yell he's not gonna appear in your face. I'm not going to allow you to give up."

        And once again Sauli has found the perfect thing to say to me. Even when I think all hope is lost, Sauli is here cheering me on, and to never give up on the things you love.

"Okay, we should probably get heading home now." I say trying to keep calm.

"Good idea, lets go."

        We walked outside and everything was silent, just like the inside of Tommy's house. All the houses were dark, there were no people out nor was anyone talking. The whole street looked like a ghost town. And that really creeped me out. 

        That night when we were just about to go to sleep Sauli came up with the perfcet plan to find Tommy. He suggested that since we both think Tommy is lost somewhere, that we should drive around and look for him. This probably has to be the best plan yet. I mean really where else can he be?...

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