Crying makes it worse

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Adam's pov:

After an hour later, I was pacing the floor. I was not going to give up on Tommy no matter what! I would do anything to be with him one more time. Then it dawned on me that, what if Tommy was in trouble? What if he needed me but couldn't get to me. I would never know for sure, but there had to be a better reason for his disappearance, than just randomly leaving. Being to caught up in thoughts, I totally forgot that Sauli was still at my house. I was happy that he was here to comfort me and make me feel better.

Sauli looked so adorable sitting down on my couch. He was looking at the floor in a trance. He was so oblivious to what was going on around him, that I could throw something at him and it would take about 5 minutes before he would notice.

Then I started once again to break down in tears. I was silently cry, the tears were falling down my checks but I kept quiet. Not wanting to disturb Sauli. My checks burned as if they were on fire everytime they came in contact to my tears. I knew that staying at home pacing the floor while crying was not going to get me anywhere with Tommy, but it feels like that's the only thing I can do at the time.

"Adam, what's wrong?" Sauli asked, finally snapping out of this trance.

"I want him back." I manage to say through tears.

"I know you do." Sauli said in a comforting voice.

"I need to find him!" I said without realizing that I was yelling at Sauli.

"Adam, clam down we will find him."

"Oh Sauli, I'm sorry for yelling. It's just feels like he needs me right now and there's nothing I can do about it."

"Adam, I'm sure wherever Tommy is right now, he is thinking of you." Once Sauli said that my heart melted. Was he really thinking about me right now? Does he miss me as much as I miss him? Or is he happy to be away from me and all the drama that he has gone through?

"You really think so?"

"Of course, you were an amazing boyfrined to him. And he loves you."

"Yea, but then why did he run away from me?"

"He would never do such a thing, he probably just need some alone time."

"So you think he'll come back?" I was getting my hopes up because what Sauli was saying did make a lot of sense.

"I can almost guarantee."

There was a huge grin on my face, becaue I knew that Tommy would never just leave me like this forever. He was going to come back and we were going to be together again. Or at least that's what I hopped would happen....

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