The Truth Is Finally Told

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Adam's pov:

Me and Neil quickly ran out of Jeb's house with Tommy in my arms. I got into the back seat of my car and slammed the door shut. Neil got into the drivers seat, started the car, and drove away.

"Aww, Adam I'm so happy you have Tommy back." At first I was confused on who said that, but then I saw a head look over then passenger seat and at me and relised that it was Sauli.

"OH MY GOD SAULI!" I was so excited to see him.

"Geez Adam calm down, your gonna wake up Tommy" He said with a cute smile.

I looked down at Tommy and he was peacfully asleep in my lap. Gingerly I stroked my cold fingers through his blonde soft hair. But I was careful not to wake Tommy up from his slumber.

"Wait but, where was Jeb keeping you Sauli?" I really wanted to know what happened to him and how he got in my car without me knowing.

"Well, when I was in the hospital Jeb came up to me and said something but I don't really remember what. Then I woke up in this small and dark room. My arms and legs were tied and there was tape on my mouth. The longer I was there, the longer I thought that no one was coimg for me. But then Neil came and freed me."

"Oh, so that's where you went Neil."

"Yeah, I figured if you were getting Tommy I might as well look for Sauli." Neil repelied.

"A-a-adam where are we?" I heard my Tommy say in a silent whisper and he looked confused.

"Awww Tommy, we're in my car and heading home."

"But Adam-"

I cut Tommy off in mid sentence and pulled his face into mine. Our lips crashed together and Tommy was happier than ever. I laid down across the back seats and pulled Tommy ontop of me. I intensed the kiss and heard Tommy let out a silent moan.

"Guys, can you please not do this right now." Neil said sounding annoyed.

"Okay, but when we get home we'll continue where we left off." I whispered in Tommy's ear.

"But what happened to Jeb? Wasn't he in the basement with you and Tommy?" Sauli asked me, but I knew he could care less about what happened.

"Well, I yelled for Neil to distract him, but instead was tackled to the floor."

I looked back down at Tommy but he was yet again sleep. Did Jeb let Tommy receive any sleep at all? I thought to myself because Tommy looked as if he hadn't slept in months.

"Is he dead?" The car fell silent and Tommy skin turned a paper white when Sauli asked this.

Noticing that Tommy was actually awake and was just keeping his eyes closed, he was scared. Scared to know if Jeb was dead or alive. "Shh baby it's okay." I tried to relax Tommy but it wasn't working.

Finally, Neil was the one to answer the question. "Yes."

"See Tommy, there's nothing to worry about." Sauli said who also saw the fear in Tommy's eyes.

"No," Tommy whispered to himself, not wanting anyone else to hear.

"Tommy, I don't get it. Isn't it a good thing that Jeb's gone?" I said quietly for only Tommy to hear.

"No Adam, it's a very bad thing." Tommy started to tremble but I didn't understand why.

"Can you please tell me why it's soo bad?" I asked loosing my patience.

"Not right now," He replied "but when we get home I will explain everything."

"We're here." I heard Sauli and Neil say at the same time. They we're both excited to get out of my car.

I open the car door and got out. Then I scooped up Tommy and held him bridal style and carried him to the front door.

Reaching into my boot I pulled out the house key and unlocked the door, allowing all 4 of us to enter.

Neil walked into the kitchen and started making popcorn. Man, that boy is always eating something.

Sauli sat down on the love seat and stared in a trance looking at the floor.

And I carried Tommy the the black leather couch so he could get some rest.

"Sauli." I say trying to get his attention.

"Yeah, what?" He just stared at me with no expression.

"Are you okay?"

"Umm, yeah everything's fine." He replied but I knew he was lying. Every time he lies he looks down at the floor, and he was doing that now.

"Sauli, your lying. Tell me what's on your mind." It was annoys me when Sauli was keeping stuff from me.

"Fine," He said still staring at the floor. "I was trying to figure out what Jeb said to me at the hospital."

"Sauli, don't worry about it. Jeb's dead now so it doesn't matter."

I heard someone groan behind me and I whipped my head around and saw that it was Tommy. "We only made it worse," He said to both me and Sauli. "The reason Jeb held me away from you Adam, was because he needed help."

Tears started to form in Tommy's eyes.

"Tommy, what are you talking about?"

"He had another person inside of him. One that would kill anything in its path," Tommy said between cries. "and you set his evil half free once you killed his good half. He told me this would happen."

"So what your saying is that even though we killed Jeb he's still alive?" Neil asked sounding confused.

"Yes," Tommy confessed "and he's stronger. You see, before Jeb's evil half took over Jeb was like any other guy. He explained to me that everyday his evil half was slowly eating his emotions from inside of him."

"So lets just go back to his house and kill him again." Sauli suggested.

"No!" Tommy protested "he also told me that whoever kills his evil half will die exactly a year from then."

"So how do we deaf him?" I asked concerned that there wouldn't be away.

"We need to collect 3 items," Tommy began "a stollen treasure, the Lazarus book of spells, and the pain and suffering from someone loved."

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