The Start of the Journey

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Adam's Pov:

        My mind was rushing with questions. But the one thing that was burning in my mind was: How? I knew Tommy died, but could I be wrong? It all didn't seem to make sense, He was in my arms, and he was no longer breathing. So how was this possible. Even if he was alive, why would he stay away from me? My heart wanted to believe one thing but my brain thought differently.

"Where is he?" If he was alive and well, then why wasn't he with me, and where was he?

"I'm not sure at the moment, but that's why I need your help. Together I know we can find him."

"If you don't know where he is, then how do you know he's alive?" It was all sounding really strange to me. If he's really alive why doesn't Jeb know his location?

"I saw him Adam, while you were locked in your room and rotting away, he was with me."

"Then where is he now!" Just when I thought the tears were gone, here they come again.

"That's why I'm here with you. He gave me a whole bunch of clues, and that will lead us to him."

"What clues?"  To me this whole thing sounded like bullshit. If Tommy wanted me to find him why would he go through all of this trouble. Couldn't he just text me or something?

"The first thing he gave me was this."  He pulled a long silver knife from his pocket. My heart stopped, how did he get that?! And why would Tommy give that to him and not me?

"No, this can't be! I won't believe it."

"Adam come on. I know we can find him, you just have to trust me."

"Where do you suggest we look first?"

"My guess is as good as yours."

"Well, we have to start somewhere."

"Yes I agree, but I better be on my way now."

"Alright, meet me at my house tomorrow."

"Sure. See ya later Adam."


        I watched as Jeb walked through the door. Waiting for him to be out of sight. I looked at my phone, and I noticed that I have a text message from Sauli. It read;

        Adam, i'm sorry I was being such a dick. But I need to tell you something that was told to you wrong. If your not too mad at me and would like to know the truth meet me in the park tomorrow. I hope we can work things out. xoxo Sauli

        My jaw dropped to the floor, what the fuck was he talking about?! What could he possibly want now? He was the one who ruined my life! He was the one that made Tommy's life hell, and now he wants to make up? Hahaha No. So I decided to text him back

        You were the one who fucked up Tommy's life and my life, so what could you possibly want now? You can't make my life any worse than it already is! So please stay the hell out of my life!

        Adam, I know you think that but that's not the truth. Please you have to let me explain everything. I want to help you because I feel awful for listening to Jeb. I should have never done it, but I did. And now I need to make it up to you. I love you, and I hope one day you will say the same to me.

        Wait a minute, how did he know about Jeb? He is Tommy's friend so how did Sauli know about him? Maybe Sauli was right, and maybe there is something I don't know. But what could it be?

        Alright Sauli, I am willing to trust you on this, because at one point I was able to trust you so maybe we can be able to regain our trust once again. I will meet you at the park tomorrow at 9:30am  alright? But you have to promise me you won't lie. Or I will never be able to look at you again.

        Thank you so much Adam! I won't lie to you I swear on my life! You won't be sorry!



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