Chapter 28: Edward Reed

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Edward gave her a great hug and kissed her on the forehead. "Please don't make Briggs go," Sophia said, with her head still buried in her father's hug. Edward looked towards Fey as he held Sophia in his arms. He sat Sophia in front of him at the foot of the bed, with on hand around her shoulder.

"I know you love your brother, very, very, much, Sophia. But when boys get to a certain age, they must become men. And do you know what it is that men must do, the one thing they must see to that is more important than anything else?" Edward paused, waiting for Sophia to respond. She looked back at him, tears swelling in her eyes, but without words. "They must carry on the family name," Edward continued. "And sometimes, that means they must go to another city, or another country altogether. That doesn't mean that you won't see your brother again. But he must carry out his duty, even if it means going South." Sophia wiped the tears from her eyes.

"But why can't Briggs stay here? He can carry on our family name here, and he can be a King one day, just like you, father," Sophia said. Edward sighed and looked at his wife beside him, in an attempt to shift the conversation. Edward loved all of his children, but it was Sophia who truly had his heart. She was his only daughter, and it hurt him to see her cry.

"Your brother can't stay here, Sophia, because he is to be married," Edward said. He knew his daughter was infatuated with weddings. If she wasn't acting one out, she was talking about future arrangements for her own. Edward assumed that thoughts of Briggs in a royal wedding may provide his tearful daughter comfort. Fey tossed a glance back towards Edward.

"Your brother is very lucky indeed, Sophia. He is to marry a very beautiful princess. And they will have a wonderful castle, that you may go and visit anytime you'd like." Fey reached out and gently held Sophia's arm. A warm smile came across Sophia's face.

"Briggs loves her very much. He'll be so excited to marry her. I wonder if they'll have any elephants, I've heard they have elephants in the South, and they ride in on them during weddings," Said Sophia. She seemed to bounce with excitement as she spoke.

Edward was thrilled that his daughter had brightened her mood, however, his wife now seemed quite perturbed. There was a bit of a pause, before Fey anxiously leaned in closer and broke the silence with a question.

"Briggs loves who, Sophia?" Fey asked.

"The girl, who you say he is to marry. He loves her so much, mother. So much so, that he climbed out his window in the rain the other night to see her. Don't tell him that I've told you, but now that they are to marry, he'll be able to see her anytime he wants. And we won't have to go far to see him. The princess doesn't live too far South at all," Responded Sophia.

Edward traded glances with Fey, but he thought nothing of it. When he was Briggs' age he was in and out of every brothel he could find. He knew what his son was up to, and he imagined it was far from a wedding proposal.

"How do you know that Briggs is doing this? How do you know about this girl?" Fey asked.

"I couldn't sleep, there was another storm. So, I went to see if Briggs was awake. But he had just climbed in through his window, all soaking wet. He told me he had gone to see a girl in the farmlands to the South. That's where the princess lives, mother. He writes her letters in his room and nails them on a post just North of her field, while she works. Before dark every day, she checks the post for his letters and reads them. He has one in the drawer of his nightstand; I saw him put it there myself. Briggs didn't tell me that she was a princess!" Sophia said.

"Sophia, what else did Briggs tell you about this princess?' Fey asked, with a wolfish grin.

"Well, only that they meet, at night, in a creek near the post, at the Great Tree, I suppose. But mother, don't tell Briggs you know. He made me promise that I wouldn't tell anyone, not even you," Sophia said.

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