Chapter 17: Odwin

Start from the beginning

"The dagger is small. The dagger is not a sword. And so, it should be used quite differently. You will not strike your enemy unless your feet can bring you close enough to him. Therefore, you don't truly use a dagger with your hands, but rather your feet. Your hands simply hold it and your feet will make it useful," Giddeyal said. Odwin was always very confused by the way he talked. None of it seemed to make sense. And why he was training Odwin, he truly did not know.

"Step towards me, and try to strike. I will show you," Giddeyal said.

"What is the meaning of this, Giddeyal? Why do you ask me to do such things?" Odwin asked in confusion.

"I'm simply answering the question you asked, young Odwin," Giddeyal responded. "Now, go on then."

Odwin took a few steps towards him and with the dagger held outward and pointed at Giddeyal. He took a deep breath and held the cool air in his lungs. Odwin lunged his hand out and thrust the dagger forward. But Giddeyal had vanished. He was simply gone, the darkness of the night had replaced him and for a moment, Odwin stood alone. His solitude quickly ended, however, as Odwin found a dagger at his throat. Giddeyal stood standing at his side, with Odwin's life in his hands.

"You attacked with your hand, I attacked with my feet. See what a difference it makes, Odwin?" Giddeyal said. "Now, let's try again," Said Giddeyal as he released his grip.

"How did you do that? Giddeyal you disappeared. I saw you standing there and then," Odwin's disbelief left his mind in a daze.

"Does the light of day disappear, Odwin? Or is it simply replaced? Does the dark of night go away, or does it return? You see the light, the dark, they are one in the same. They move within one another, changing form to change their appearance, but never truly leaving. You couldn't see me, but I was still there, was I not? You couldn't see me because you expect me to look a certain way. Expectations can limit the mind, Odwin." Giddeyal put away his dagger. "I move with the dark, Odwin, and so shall you."

Giddeyal's words sent chills across Odwin's skin. Surely, he wasn't capable of the magic Giddeyal had displayed. He was more unsure of Giddeyal, now more than ever. Who was this man? But was Odwin was beginning to wonder whether questions would bring more answers, or simply more confusion.

"Now, we begin," Said Giddeyal.

The two danced throughout the night, in a fury of steps and lunges and mistimed attacks. Giddeyal was truly a master. Odwin couldn't help but to wonder why the owner of a Vineyard had such swordsmanship. Nevertheless, Odwin was enjoying himself.

Giddeyal was fast, and Odwin never once came close to reaching him with the dagger. The fringes of Giddeyal's robe were even unreachable, always just out of Odwin's reach. Giddeyal did not disappear again, as he had before. It was all Odwin could think of the entire night. The others in the Grounds told tales in the tents where they slept, tales of magic and mystery. Odwin couldn't help but wonder now if those tales held more truth than he'd realized.

Giddeyal continued to critique Odwin's motions and evaluate his every step. But not once did he mention the dark, or magic, or disappearance. Odwin wished he would, but he was too scared to ask. Questioning never seemed to bode well with Giddeyal. Besides, swordplay seemed better than smithing at the forge. So Odwin kept quiet, and tried to learn from Giddeyal's instruction.

It continued, night after night. The two would practice their dance in the dark, dueling one another. Odwin began to memorize each step, and anticipate every movement. His feet soon developed a mind of their own, moving Odwin around his opponent, dipping and diving, and avoiding the strike of the blade. It had been weeks, yet still, even with the progress he had made, he was no match for Giddeyal's prowess.

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