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My hands clenched and unclenched. That stupid face decided to show up. To h*** with him, 'cause he's a god dang creep.

"Aw boy, doesn't your girlfriend want a man and not just," he looked Ares up and down, "you."

Ares rage unfolded as he turned red with anger, Aphrodite was'nt there to calm him so all i saw was pure rage. Hephaestus stepped a calm step forth, "Excuse me sir, would you mind releasing our friend and we can speak like civilized people?"

The Doctor laughed, throwing his head back. His dark hair pasted to his skin like glue and his every so black eyes were blank. "Civilized? Are actually thinking we should talk like normal people?" He laughed again, throwing in dramatic tears for effect.

Hephaestus looks shocked, and his face was priceless. If this was not an awful situation i would've laughed like there's no tomorrow. Unfortunately this was an awful situation. Aphrodite was pubicly being held hostage by a doctor who had teams of people that did surgery on Hera. And Hera was working with them.

A sudden thought crossed my mine. Hera must've done the same thing to Demeter! How could i'd not think of that! By now Demeter could be something else, or even dead!!

"You better let her go," I say, surprising everyone. My voice was pure ice and i liked the small fear that was evading the doctor's eyes. 

"Kate? The one and only Kate?!?" the doctor sneered, his voice showing nothing unlike his eyes.

I smiled icily, "The one and only."

"Ho! This is joy! Hera would have a fit to see that i have met you," he wiped away fake tears, "She'll likely want to kill you more than ever."

"Hera?" echoed Athena, her voice strong despite her shy outlook.

The doctor turned to her, "Yes. Your beloved Queen who was reported kidnapped or missing. She came out with the idea. She even forced your other beloved goddess, Demmie, uh Demener? Ah yes Demeter. Hera tricked Demeter to join her to wait for me. And when i met her she was a nice woman, so frail so worried about her daughter, Per-Per-"

"Persephone," a voice stated. The doctor turned to the auburn hair girl with the perfect cat eyes, "She was worried about me."

The doctor pulled out a sick smile, "Yes, yes she was. And do you know what was her last words before I shot her?"

"Noo, you would'nt do that. You c-can't, you wouldnn't. You can't possible-" A sob racked through her as she fell to the ground, a hand placed over her mouth. A shudder ripped through her as she cried and cried, her eyes in a record of time, red.

"She said something yes," the doctor placed his finger to his chin and shrugged, "But I did'nt hear. I just shot her in the heart, where all the life beats and then all the life drained from her body. Like a. Dead. Lifeless. Doll."

All hell broke loose.

Hades clamed a hand on the doctor's throat, no longer caring if it hurt the mortal. "You devil, why the hell would you kill her mother?! For immortal sake. She's broken when her mother was kidnapped and now for you to claimed you have killed her?! You, evil devil, broke her completely!" Hades said in a dead and seething tone. His skin had a tint of red, a skin of sure anger. And his eyes were killing the doctor internally.

The doctor chocked. "HHe-he-hera told me to shoot. I s-shot. I-i'm so-rry," he was gasping for hair now, and he was trying not to cough. Hades only loosed a bit for him to talk properly.

"Oh, I'll give Hera," he spat the name, "hell but you will get my wrath, since Hera is not here to protect her human toy." He went back to choking the doctor. Persephone kept bawling her eyes out as her mother's name and the word dead was put in the same sentence.

Artemis went over to comfort her. Ares was still extremely angry and he finally moved when, Aphrodite let another piercing scream. The doctor's hand was now squeezing her tiny waist together like a grape between fingers. Ares punched the doctor's arm making him choke and yelp, as he released Aphrodite in the safety blanket of Hephaestus.

She was coughing slightly and was now fully sober and her drunkness wore off the minute she let out the first scream. Her hair was messy and her makeup was running but she still managed to look good.

The doctor sputtered out blood, the splat hitting the floor. No longer did i realize that everyone in the club was out and it as just us. 

"Youu ca-can never beat Hera," he huffed, "You cannot beat the Queen."

"To hell we can't" raged Ares. His fist punching the doctor's jaw, and blood flew in every direction. 

Artemis eyed the fight, quickly suggesting all the goddesses like Persephone and Aphrodite should be out of the way of the fight. Carefully, we helped Aphrodite to a booth with the help of Hephaestus. We also moved Persephone from her crouched position to a booth, where she scooted to the corner and kept non stop crying. Athena instantly went to her side muttering comforts, even though she was crying as well.

It seemed like everyone was crying over Demeter, I even saw Artemis hide a few tears. Hephaestus on the other hand was complete stone, he wasn't crying and he wasn't even angry, he was just, blank. I walked over to him,he was leaning on a wall side.

I nudged him, "You okay?"

He glanced at me then returned to whatever he was looking at originally. "Fine," I sighed, "I'll leave you alone." I started to walk away but a hand on my shoulder stopped me.

I swiveled around, shrugging the hand off. Hephaestus frowned, a reaction finally.

"Why are so uh-"

"Devoid of emotion?" he suggested. I nodded. He sighed.

He ran a hand through his hair. "It's just that Hera's my mom and Zeus is my adopted dad. And i really cant stand the fact that Hera is evil and switched sides to help that idiot doctor."

I nodded. "But don't you think that was what she wanted? I mean I had- I mean I think it was predictable, huh?" I tried to cover up my stumble.

"What? What were you going to say, just now?" He pestered.

I shrugged, trying to act cool and calm. He shook my arm which i snatched away, "Come on, Kate. Please tell me," he tried giving me the puppy look. But i ignored it and muttered an excuse. When i looked back, Hephaestus had this face of promise. A promise to know what i really meant.


Doctor Harold POV

The expressions on the immortals were laughable and i swear they could see through my scared expression. These immortals have nothing on me, I am after all a doctor, and tonight i brought protection.

The small word that Hera explained to me that would lend him some of her immortal power. It's one of the reasons he took an approach to her, that and she was really beautiful. That was just a bonus.

He never wanted to team up with his enemy but like we mortals say, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

I was so close in unlocking the secret to immortality. So close. 

Just a few more steps and then finally I can take my place as King and God of all.


Hey a second update! So fun!!!

I can't believe I'm still alive. This story is getting tense, you could literally feel the sparks and how bout that doctor pov?

Doesnt it make him seem a bit Idk like his screws came off and was never found! XD

Well anyways. enjoy and happy reading! 


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