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"Kate, we need to go. Dad ordered an early court, and he sounded serious for once in his immortal life," Aphrodite pesters. 

"Dite, I just cant seem to process how suddenly I'm a half breed. I mean for more than half my life I was human. Human!, Dee." I looked at her than stared at my hands, 'I'm a half breed.'

I shook my head, it sound strange on my tongue like it didn't and would never fit. 

"Katee," she pulled on my arm, "I told Dad that I told you. He'll explain, even if he was completely angry for spilling before he could." She gave a small laugh, but that did not help to ease the tension in my brain.

"Fine," I grumbled before taking my arm back, Aphrodite leaded the way. 

Somebody better tell me somthing, I thought to myself, for once. 

I knew Aphrodite was hiding some things, not even her spilled all as she claimed. In my gut, I knew they was bigger things to deal with, some things everyone wanted unknown and forgotten. But this time 'all hell broke lose', and I'm not talking about the curse word.

In court, it seemed full to the brim whezzing gods flying like frantic chickens. The King was discussing tightly with 2 other people, Posedion and Hades. Some goddesses were seated and chatted while some got up and paced on the floor worriedly. It seemed as if a immortal bomb went off and put everything and everyone in chaos. Well, as me, the 'half-breed' was watching them act out.

"Everyone be seated!" a voice boomed over the entire court. 

Everyone took a seat, I stood whether not to sit or just be out on the rim of the circle of thrones.

Zeus eyed before flicking a hand to create a miniture throne for me, right where i was. I guess that answered my question. "Olympians and other gods and goddesses, today we wil have to skip the introductions and such. We must get on with detail. As pertained there were strange occurances from time to time that seemed inrrelavant in out eyes. We caught these things but labeled them non-dangerous. We were wrong. They were vital to help find the dissaperances of Demeter, Persephone's mother and beloved sister and wife," as he announced that, Persephone on her throne burst in tears as the goddess next to her calmed her down with soothing words. With a soft glance from her husband, she resettled leaving her face emotionless. It was unlike her, and it didnt suit her soft and kind features. 

"We are also searching for the disapperance of Hera, the Queen of gods and goddesses. She dissapeared the same night as did Demeter, however it was at different times and so we ignored them," as he said this which was new news for the court, excluding the 3 gods, Zeus, Podesion, and Hades.

Own conversations and whispered began to invade thecourt as people turnedto their left and right to murmur their questions, that they knew would still come back unanswered with another question. 

"Silence!" boomed Zeus' voice once again, "We know their are questions but for now, everyone be on alert and everyone cannot leave without an escort or a friend beside them. That is rule now, since i know their is a threat if it dares decide to steal my wife and your beloved Queen. Understood?"

His stare glazed over eveeyyone making them nod or murmur a 'yes.'

With a flick of his hand, he shouted, "Dismiss." The throne i sat on disppeared and i fell on my butt. But I rarely noticed as i got up and kept thinking about what the King said. Their was something about the tone of his voice, when he talked about it. I've heard it before, as i was grown uo in bullying once or twice, but it sounded like fear. The King of the gods and goddesses was scared, and I didnt know what to say.

"Kateeeee. Kaaaaatte. KATE!" I jumped and turned to my left. Aphrodite stood with her her hands on her hips as she masked an annoyed expression on her delicate features. "Lets go," she dragged me by the arm. Out the court and straight to the living room, where some people stood waiting.

Apollo, looking serious for once stood with his arms crossed and his eyes had a faraway look. Artemis, standing next to her brother, frowned at the sight of everything. Athena, who was carefully looking throught a huge book filled with a different language that i realized wasnt even in the human category. Hestia, who Aphrodite pointed to was still a flame, and it was more red this time than orange, as if she was super mad at something or someone. 

Once me and Aphrodite arrived, everyone heard us but still continued what they were doing. "So did anyone find anything? Athena?"

Aphrodite looked at the brainy goddess, and Athen answered wth a shake of her head. She found nothing. I pulled on Aphrodite's clothing, and she looked back. Her expression was more stern than the others she'd worn. "Dite, what do i do know?"

Aphrodite moved me toward Hestia, introductions were flung and we went straight to talking. 

"Aunt Hestia, I nned you to explain to Kate about her fate and her being a half-breed. Please make Kate understand, it wasnt a decree of us immortals but of the fates, and the fates always are right." With that she walked over to Athena and they began a heated conversation on a topic.

"Goddess of the hearth and home, i am honored you would tell me about err.. whatever Aphrodite  just said, I-"

I was interrupted by Hestia, whose flame dimmed and i actually could see a face, a pretty one, no doubt. Her eyes were orane, a glossed over color and her hair as a stark contrast between red and auburn. Her wrists were incircled in a flame clasp bracelet which led you to believe she was an actual goddess of something violent and needed: fire.

"Kate, you can call me Hestia," I nodded, embarrased a bit since i was just going to bow to her, "And secondly, I have to tell you unlike the other half breeds your existence is different."

Existence? I thought, it makes it sound like i was dead first. I shook it off.

"Usually a half breed, the parents are a god or goddess and a mortal, but for you, your parents that you know since birth, are your actual parents. And their both mortal, at the least."


Thanks for reading and keep with it! :)

Next chapter: Hera's POV

Enjoy! XD

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BTW I'm putting a hold in The Rise of the Earth Queen, and Distopia will have its usually but slow updates. I will also be trying a new book called Bloodshed, so check that out would cha? That'll be great!

Thanks again, u guys!!! And to hope that we can all win some kind of writing Grammy. Hahaha... But seriously, we all need one!  XD


P.S.        I placed a picture of Kate in the first chapter, so yeah. EN-joy!

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