TWENTY SIX: Goddesses in Distress

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I made a face, "What's going on?" Athena and Artemis still by my side arch an perfect eyebrow.

Hermes looked nervous before slipping into a calm mask, too calm I thought. "He's gone."

I give him a bewildered look, "Huh? Who's gone? "

Suddenly everyone looked interested, looking over at Hermes expectantly.

He sighed, "Ares, he vanished."

And let me tell ya the silence after, was unbelievable, until the doors to the main room opened, and out came 2 calm people. Dite and Hep, both of them had understanding in their eyes.

Finally noticing our silence to their presence, their faces slipped into twin masks of confusion.

"Hheeey. You guys, you okay?" Dite started unsure. Hep looks at me, as if asking What's wrong. I look away quickly and I notice he frowns a little.

"Ares' gone!" Poseidon yells, causing dirty glares at him and shock from Dite.

"What?" Dite asked, suddenly more on edge.

"Ares... Is..." Began Poseidon.

"I know, I heard!" Shouted Dite, making everyone look at her in shock. I'm assuming she never yelled or raised her voice that often. She placed a dainty hand to her head, rubbing gently. Everyone was quiet waiting for her reaction.

"Dad knows?" She speaks dangerously low.

Hermes nodded, "He wants me to track him but I think I know who took him and if you guys know me, you would know who too."

Everybody nodded silently but Dite voiced it out. "That step monster and her toy doctor." She said coldly, moving down the hall, leaving Hep's arm of comfort.

We all looked at her walk the hall with a new found purpose and its not to go have fun this time.

"Guys, training should start now," Apollo said, "Olympus is in lock down. No one out, no one in. We need Kate prepared and ready."

With that, he and Hermes with serious faces walked in the same direction, assuming to the King of Gods layer.

I blinked for the first time since this was announced.

"Well guys, let's train together. More quick, and a fast end to them," Artemis suggested.

I nodded and preceded to walk with Artemis and Athena, along with the gods who bothered staying, when Apollo and Hermes left.

But everyone's intention? Too freaking officially declare war on the Queen of the Heavens and the Elite Doctor, Leader of that despised group.

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"How am I... Ahh!!" I say as Artemis swings the weapon, aiming at my poor head. I jump at last second as the metal weapon pins itself on a nearby wooden wall.

I turn to look at Artemis, which causes a small cramp in my neck. "Artemis!!!"

She shrugs innocently, the thought of my nearly decapitation unimportant as it rolls off her shoulders. "I'm teaching you the basics."

"Which is?" I place my hands on my waist.

"Defense, Arch, Attack, Lunge," she said swinging another metal weapon by its handle in a circular motion.

Destiny Calling Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora