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Aphrodite POV

"So," I began, "Its started when I looked round 15, but in immortal age thats like 500 years old. But yeah I had Dad who adopted me when I was baby in the sea, and I had all the boy's attention at 13. It was a good life, perfect girl and perfect boys."

Kate nodded to me to go on. I sighed before saying, "But there was one boy in particular that caught my eye, and as you might guess it was Hephaestus, or you know Hep. He was the only boy that wasnt perfect, he had his metal crutch and everything. But somehow I liked him the most at that time because he was different."

I looked Kate in the eye, "You have to know I had no intention of what happened later, it was just that Hep was my favorite friend, but that's it. Hep was somehow swooned in my natural abilities of beauty and all that I completely forgot that I was leading him on falsely, and to this day I do regret it, Kate."

"Huh? What do you mean?" she looked me in the eye, a quizzicle look on her face.

"Just listen," I wave her question away, "After we were introduced Dad immediately set me up, saying that having a steady boy was good instead of my ermm quick flings." I blushed embarrased and ashamed.

"And at that point everyone should know I follow my own rules and at that moment I hated Hep, right on. He took my fun away and he would pay the prices, so I agreed but it was all apart of my revenge. I planned to be his best friend so then when I have all his dark secrets only for the ears of a best friend, I could humilate him in all of Greece."

"How does this lead to you leading him on?" Kate asks.

"It was one night after about a month since we bonded, I still hated him because he would tell Dad if I sneaked out or left him for another one of my boyfriends. So I stayed with him to not raise eyes, and we were sitting around playing a game of ball catch. As usual I asked him to tell me a fact about himself, something that he never told anybody else. And you know what he told me?"

Kate shook her head, almost toppling off the seat with the dramatic tone I used. "He said, 'I am in love.' And, Kate if you put the pieces together, he loved me! Out of all the things that went wrong, that was the top of the list. After all my goal was to humilate him not to make him love me, that's only the silly game for mortals, err no offense." I run a slick hand through my soft blond hair.

Kate shrugs, "But I still don't get it?"

"You will. After he told me that I went on overdrive and left, with him yelling behind me to come back, I ran from the scene like a coward. For a whole week I avoided Dad, and Hep, I ws beyong frustrated and embarrased. The love goddess, doesn't know what to do when someone confesses their love to her!" I rant mindlessly.

"So a week later when I ignored Dad and Hep I needed out and the best way was through well, happiness. And by that point I was just, I don't know why but I was super mad at Hep, so I decided to use his confession against him. I called up Ares and we set the trap, and I called Hep to meet me at my bedroom. Instead of well seeing me, he saw both me and Ares, and he looked... heartbroken. I swear to Gods, I didn't mean to kil him internally, but just, oh I don't know anymore. Maybe I did but not to keep him holding this grudge for the next 300 years," I explain, using my hands to gesture wildly.

Kate stared blankly, "Kate?"

Her face was still foggy. "Oh, Kate. I know! I would hate me too. Hep didn't deserve that, but I don't know what came over me. But I knew after I saw Hera sneaking around with the infamous potion for mindless anger. I swear that stepmonster has more potions then Auntie Hecate."

"Aphrodite," she began. I flinched slightly, she used my full name.

"Why didn't you tell him? And if you don't like him why are so defensive when he held my hand or if I used your name for him?" Kate asks, with a almost too calm voice.

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