THIRTY SIX: Let's Do This

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In the misty morning that came too fast, but was filled with tension. Our army was stationed at various places. Two groups of fighters stood at Olympus, one on the edge of the mountain and another inside HQ, monitoring most things.

Everyone else on the other hand, gripped a weapon and was crowding around the police station. Hecate was veiled, so she was invisible with the most part. Athena, Artemis was at my sides as Athena explained the plan. I couldn't, I was still calming from my rage earlier.

"Got it?" Athena asked, placing an armored hand on her hip.

Plan was, a first group enters the location. The rest enter after, if the first group does not turn back. Strange but it works, in her logical brain. Everybody stays together and we basically ambush the building. Until of course we find the leaders of these entire nut case, which is Hera, Zeus and the Doctor.

We also keep out for our friends, but I'm pretty sure they were not going to be easy to find. Why let your most eligible case of leverage be an easy find?

Everybody nodded; the plan was simple and understandable. None of that long and stretched out crad.

The first group got ready. It consisted of Artemis, Athena, Hep, Apollo, Hades, and me. Hecate stayed with everybody else, giving them the last of Hep's weapons and potions, just in case. She flashed in and out of the darkness, a strange magic. Hades demanded he come with the first people, closer to Persephone he persisted. And we let him, he was a unshaven and broody and moody mess. He needed the sunlight in his life, that is, if we can find them.

"Alright, everybody settled?" Athena stated almost too calm. I nodded and she nodded for Artemis to press the numbers in. 9-1-1.

Nothing happened at first, just a dot showed. It grew wider and larger, filling with a blinding white light that I squinted from the power. The coloring changed from white to a murky ray with tints of silver, and Artemis explained, "Don't worry. It does this."

And nobody spoke, because this was it. After eons, this battle was going to happen. Then we all walked through, nobody held hands though, something like this was not scary compared what we were about to begin. The gray swallowed our surroundings as we were transported to the unknown, thinking we would die then. It was too long, the travel, but again Artemis reassured us, "It does this. Don't worry."

Finally, after a long moment in being twirled around we arrived. Nothing was othing I imagined it would be. I expected elevators, large clean walls filled with beautiful and inspirational quotes, some artwork shown, but nothing like this.

And I knew for a fact it was indeed the Freedom Tower, it oversaw New York City and it was a long way up. But the inside? It looked as if Hera and her clan arrived and reversed everything. The walls were white and held no pictures, nothing. The floors were granite and dotted with silver streaks. There were huge windows, almost human height, which was why I was able to say it was indeed the Freedom Tower. There was no furniture in sight and it looked quite empty.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" voiced Apollo, asking my own question. Artemis nodded her head, "Yes! I even saw the group over there." She pointed to an empty area away from the window.

We all nodded, but I knew that we thought she was a bit loose, just a bit. It really did seem like a unrented apartment that we just barged through without permission. A loud swirl sound echoed over the walls as the rest of the group came through. They all looked confused, probably expected a readied battle on the other side not this.

"So what do we do now?" a solider asked, looking around the room.

For once Athena looked out of words and I stepped in. "We search the place and see if we can find them, and then we regroup here," I call out and everybody nods, a chain reaction. I take my first step since arriving here and call to the group to move.

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