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We move along the hall to lead a forward to or plan. It feels and seems unreal. And we reach our destination, as the immortal, meaning Artemis, who happily volunteered since the chase is in the forest she was so used too. Apollo debated on his sister going but undoubtedly let her as she was the most suitable to the job, of running.

The location was simple, Earth and somewhere that was easy for us to see and for them to see us. Artemis was down below acting as if she was cleaning her weapon, minding her own business. And the people looking over the cliff that still was able to see her, began to work. A group of immortals started to disguise the cave that conveniently enough hid all our gear and immortals, but we were also advantaged with a view where we saw Artemis.

Another group, a different one continued to talk out the plan with people who was in the cave, only mere whispers echoing from them. Athena and I were laying on the edge, side by side, and she held the device ready to drop and pin onto the Elites device, Thankfully, the tracker was small and easily to attract anything that was within distance. Meaning it would have a 99.99% chance of sticking on and without knowledge from any of the Elites.

Aphrodite already is in her position which is a good mile away from where Artemis is, but we would still be able to see her from where we were stationed. Artemis was also highly aware to avoid the area where Aphrodite was, to ignore collision on The Double Cross Queen, um Hera and the Elite Doctor and his team.

Artemis was mart and she knew her way through this place, better then anybody.

A clear sounding signal, sure enough sounded quietly as Hecate also made a device that told us if they were close. And according to that beep they were already in the forest and moving fast. Everybody quieted down, and Apollo settled next to me, ready to sign light for our getaway if the doctor or his group looks up. Everybody else is hidden in the cave, or on top of the cave, just in case for a back up attack, if the Elites and Hera do find out about the plan.

The three of us, close to edge were able to see everything from up and we also had secures around our ankles if some reason the edge gave away. We were all concealed by the mossy leaves and the vines that one of the grouped set up so we could through between all that fake mess. It was smart and helpful.

We waited for a minute or two, I couldn't seem to remember. Artemis was still minding her business as she was doing for a period of time and then we heard it. A rustle of bushes and the sure loud voice of Hera.

"Go, you measly mortals and find me more immortals! WE have no time to waste on them beating me! Go already!" Her voice screamed through the forest, sending a heap of birds to fly from their niches and into the sky. Poor birds.

Finally, a man who emerged with his metal weapon, then two men, then a group, then a small army. About 15, who immediately zeroed in on Artemis, whose back faced them. I hoped Artemis knew they were there, because absentmindedly I felt the hairs of my neck raise a little higher. 

The main caption, prodded in a button non his take and slowly pointed the group to be very quiet. They crept towards her in a semicircle, only one way to exit and they were slowly forming a full circle, all around her. Suddenly, the plan seemed stupid enough to work, the circle looked strong enough to take her. Immortal or not, these soldiers had weapon used for immortals. and Artemis had, a spear, who doesn't even have a fully developed point. This was bad.

I started to squirm but Athena nudged me, and signaled me to be less movy. It was gonna give us away. Finally, I stayed still and looked at the impossible scene in front of me.

"Well, isn't it another one?" a voice I knew too well sneered. Doctor Harold.

And I noticed Artemis stiffened in realization. She finally looked up from her weapon, and stared coldly at the doctor.

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