{Chapter Ten}

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(Y/N) (L/N)

"Now now, no need to shout. You must be who he has been secretly seeing, yes??"

"I won't answer until YOU answer MY question!!"

"Fine fine. I'm sure he has told you about me. Does that ring a bell??"

"....Adam...??" I felt my heart sink again. Not ready for their reply.

If it is Adam, then he...he. He could be in deep shit. And it's all my fault...

"You are correct. So he has told you about me. But he's changed. And do you know what happens to people who change... drastically??"

"....fuck you. FUCK YOU!! You better not HURT HIM!! You fucking bitch." I could feel the aura from Luna go concerned.

Fuck. I only ever swear when I'm pissed or scared or worried... Luna's probably so worried right now.

"Oh don't worry. We won't hurt him, as long as you come here."

"Don't listen to him!! (Y/N), please!! Don't fall for his trick-" my eyes widened when I heard Tanner speak, he was caught off guard. By a hit off some sort. I heard his pain.

"Okay!! I will!! Just don't hurt him!! Please, he doesn't deserve this..." I could feel tears going down my face, Luna ran over and hugged me tightly as I finish the call.

"Alright. We better see you there. Meet us at ****** now." I hung up, hugging Luna back, tears going down my face. "Shhhh...(Y/N) tell me watch did he say??"

"Too meet him...he promised to not hurt him if I do. So I said I would. But I never said I'd go alone."

"Who are you going to take??" I smirked and called Hannah. "Hannah obviously." We just laughed and Hannah answered the phone. "What's up, (Y/N)??"

"I need your help. Like RIGHT now."

"Of course. What do you need??"

"You know Tanner?? Well he's in trouble and I'm worried as fuck. I called his phone and his boss called and we'll he's captured-"

"And you need my help to bust him out??"

"You got me, Hannie" I giggled and she said she'd drive over on her motorbike. "Welp. Good luck saving your man." I winked giggling. "I'll save his ass. I'll show him!! I can help him. But, I might go too far-"

"Too far like what??"

"Like huh....killing him..?? If he kills anyone I'll end up killing him-"

"Ahh. Well, Adam was it?? He's crazy to mess with you." I giggled hugging her. "Hannie will most probably bring Jacob. He has said he wants to help, but I'm worried...he's younger then both of us." Luna smiled worriedly. "I get it. Don't worry, I'm sure that he'll live."

I nodded and walked out of the room and waited in front of the hotel. After a while, Hannah's car appears. I smiled and ran over, getting into the passengers seat. "I see you brought him with ya."

"Yup, he heard the phone call and begged to come with."

"I hope you don't mind me coming with you. But I know how bad you want to save him. So here I am." I giggled, nodding. "It's alright. Now let's go save Tanner....I want to get there ASAP. Here's the address." I put my phone next to Hannah. And we drove off, onwards to the address. Feeling my heart about to shatter.

Please be alright....please be alright. I'll save you Tanner. I swear I will. Please trust ME this time...


Hiya everyone!! I'm sorry for the late update but, it's super simptember now~. So I'll try to update this book fast this month. Oh and I will be making another book. I'll put out a message on my message board and the comments of this chapter as soon as I made my decision love y'all <3

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