{Chapter three}

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(Y/N) (L/N)

I turned on my laptop and got up WhatsApp again and got up Hannah's profile instead. And without hesitating I start writing.

(Y/N): Hannieeeee?? You know what you said?? I asked Napoleon and he said to try and seduce Tanner. Soo, I'm not amazing at that department he told me about the other time I did this type of work and I gave in. Soooo, could you do me a huge favour~?

Hannah •^•: Wow girl. You're really taking on this task seriously so thank you. But you do realise you can't fall in love with him right??. I don't want to end up losing my precious coworker. And yes, I will get Jacob to come over.

(Y/N): THANK YOUUUUU. I know, but again, I can't completely promise you I won't. You know that the people I have already known in the past are easier to get attached to. Oh and tell Jacob I'll try and get my friend to go out on a 'date' with him if he will help me.

Hannah •^•: Got it. I'll go tell him now. Expect him to be over in a few minutes.

(Y/N): Thanks again!! Love you Hannah uwu

Letting out a sigh I turn off my laptop and get up from my seat. "Alright , Now. Gotta get my room looking tidy." I rolled up my sleeves of my (F/C) flannel top and got to tidying my room. Which took about 30 minutes. After I finished that, I heard a rapid knock on my door. Rushing over I open the door to see Jacob.

"Sooo, you want me to help you get something out for your date with this Tanner guy??" I nodded. "Yup, you helped me before. So you can help me again. Now come on!!" I dragged him into my room and closed the door. And yanked him over to my room. "Alright. Let me go through your closet. But first what kind of thing where you thinking of doing??"

"Ummm, maybe just walking down the park and then going back to either mine or his to have dinner?" Jacob smirked and opened the closet door. "I know just what you should wear. You do have that old (F/C) dress I brought for you the last time right??" I nodded. "It's tucked away in the back because I never used it afterwards."

"Good, because you will be wearing that with the leather jacket that you got for Christmas last year." I tilted my head confused. "Wha- but how would that match??" He held his hand out to shush me. "Shush child. I know what I'm doing. Now get those things and get changed. I'll be in the living room." He left the room afterwards. I took a deep breath and started searching.

Why must he do this to me?? That dress is quite...revealing.

My eyes widened and I slapped my face. "Why did I think that?? I knew I liked him a little back then. But he's changed...he's a murderer, me. Don't get too distracted." Shaking my head I continue my search and found the outfit Jacob told me to wear. I put it on and opened the door with shaking hands.

I walked down and into the living room. Jacob turns and he smirks. "He'll definitely love you in that. God I am a genius!!" I giggled and rolled my eyes. "And you're too full of yourself. But thank you. You can go now." He nodded and left the house. I smiled gently and sat down on the sofa still in the outfit.

Maybe him seeing me in this won't be too bad?? Maybe. Just maybe, I can get through this without any issues...

I shook my head and headed back into my bedroom. Getting into my pj's. "How I love how fluffy these ones are!!" I grabbed my favourite blanket and went into my living room. I scrolled through the movies in sky cinema and stopped at a certain one.

Happy Death Day huh?? Might as well watch a movie about a killer. I am gonna go on a date with one tomorrow after all.

I laughed at my own stupid joke and put on the movie. Snuggling close to my blanket. "It really is lonely snuggling into my blanket alone. I wonder how people feel whenever they're with their partner??" I drifted off into my imagination and thought of how life would be with a boyfriend. Then suddenly the guy without a face turned into Tanner. I open my eyes frantically as my cheeks start to blush.

"WHY DID I IMAGINE TANNER AS MY BOYFRIEND?!!" I slap my hand over my mouth and face palmed. "Fuck, now my neighbours are gonna be concerned and asked who's Tanner." I groaned and payed attention to the movie. My mind is slightly focused on the fact that I imagined Tanner in that place.

~After the movie~ "Well, that was a good movie. *yawn* I should head to bed now tho." I turned off my tv and got up wrapping myself in my blanket. And tiredly walked over to my bedroom, almost tripping over the stairs while walking upstairs. "Jesus, I really need to look after my sleep schedule." I yawned again and got into my bedroom. Not bothering to turn on my light.

Throwing the blanket to the side, I get into bed and under the covers. I turned around on my stomach and fell off to dream land....

~IN THE MORNING~ I groaned feeling the sun in my eyes, I cover myself with my covers and rubbed my sleepy eyes. "Ughh, what time is it??" I reach my hand out onto the side next to my bed for my phone. After a while to trying to find it, I grab it and turn it on. Looking at the time my eyes widened. "IT'S ALREADY 1pm?!" I frantically try to get out off my covers but end up falling off my bed still in my covers.

I manage to get out of my cocoon covers, and into new clothes. "I need to figure out what we're actually gonna do. I'll get Hannah, she'll know." I grabbed my bag, and got out of the house. Onto my bike and onwards to Hannah's house.

I hope she's in. Oh how awkward I would look knocking on a door with no one in.


Don't worry, Tanner will be coming in the next chapter I think. I like the slow burn uwu. I hope you don't mind. Welp that's all, bye :3. Oh and I realised there was some mistakes so plz read the text convo between you and Hannah again and basically it all I wrote this chapter when it was late٫ thank you :3

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