{Chapter One}

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(Y/N) (L/N)

I woke up to rapid knocking on my front door. Groaning I got out of my comfy bed and onward down the stairs to the front door. "Alright alright!! I'm coming shut up with the goddamn knocking."

Opening the door I see My co-worker, Hannah. She smiled and pointed at the car. "It's time for your new job miss grumpy." I rolled my eyes and slammed the door shut. "HEY, DON'T SLAM THE DOOR SHUT IN FRONT OF ME!!"

"HANNAH CALM THE FUCK DOWN. I need to get changed you doofus." I head a kick at the door and turned around to yell again. "Alright, just be quick we don't have all day!!" Sighing I walk up the stairs and into my bedroom.

Alright, time to get changed.

I opened my closet and scanned through the clothes. My eyes stop at the (F/C) flannel shirt. I took it off the rack and saw my favourite pair of jeans. I grabbed that as well. I quickly got into the clothes and brushed my hair, putting it up in a messy bun.

Alright, there. I have my boots down the stairs so i can put them on then.

I ran down the stairs and slipped on my boots. Grabbing my bag I opened the door and locked it. Looking around I tried to find Hannah's car when I saw Napoleon waving me over. "Ah, Yolak made you come as well huh??"

"Yup, now get your fat ass in my car, we don't have all day." I rolled my eyes and got in the back of the car, putting my headphones on I listened to my playlist, managing to fall asleep in the car...

~30 minutes later~ "(Y/N)?? (Y/N)!! wake up we're here." I groaned and took my headphones off. I nodded and got out of the car. "Sorry, I didn't sleep well last night."

Hannah sighed and grabbed my arm. "Alright, enough saying sorry. We have to get to Yolak's office so he can tell you what you gotta do."

I nodded and Hannah dragged the tired me into the building, Napoleon following after us. We got into the lift and quietly waited for it to go to the top floor.

"What kind of job do you think he will give you??" I shrugged my shoulders. Yawning, I slapped myself awake.

"I don't know. He wouldn't normally give me one of those hard jobs. He would normally hit you with that Hannah." She nodded and we both ended up laughing. "Right you are. Ahh We're here. Come on."

She drags me by my arm to Yolak's office. Napoleon knocks on the door. It opens straight away. Revealing Yolak "Thank you for bringing her here you two."

They nodded and we all walked into the office. I flopped sofa and sighed. "Alright. You do know why you are here right?" I nodded. Sitting up giving Yolak my full attention.

"Good. The job I am going to give you has you staying overnight at Luna's place." I tilted my head in confusion. Then it hit me. "OHH. You mean Luna Youngman?? My friend??" He nodded, picking up the pieces of paper on his desk and giving them to me.

"She came in yesterday with these papers explaining what happened. She doesn't know who the people that have been trying to kidnap or murder her are." I nodded taking the papers. I flipped through them and put it down on the table next to me.

"Alright. Do you want me to start today??" He nodded and handed me Luna's keys. "She gave us this saying she desperately needs help. We knew you'd be the perfect person. You know her house from top to bottom correct??"

I nodded sitting up and grabbing the papers. "Alright. I won't let you down. I'll be off." I opened the door and slammed it behind me. I picked up my pace and ran down the stairs.

I hope Luna's okay. She did message me that she's at a hotel so she couldn't hang out. Now I know why...

Shaking my head and got out of the building and ran over to the bike stand. I left my bike there yesterday. Looking around I found my bike and unlocked it.

Alright, let's do this!! I stepped on the engine and it rawed. I road down the shortcut to Luna's place I would go after work.

Shit why didn't she tell me something was wrong?! I would have come sooner!!

I finally got to her house, I parked my bike and put it in lock. I rushed over to the door and frantically got the keys out. I quickly unlocked the door and walked in.

Stretching I close the door and sighed. "God, why must riding that bike take so much energy." I looked around and saw the closet door.

huh?? Isn't that closet always opened when I come here??

Shrugging I walked over to the closet door and attempted to open it. But it wouldn't budge. "huh?? what the actual fuck. Did she accidently jam it?? Oh nevermind." I let go of the handle and walked into the spare bedroom. Aka mine.

I take my hair down and shake my head. "Alright, time to look on the security cams." I opened the door and walked out. I checked my phone for the time. "It's already 3pm?? welp I'll check my cams then go out." I walked over to the computer and pressed on the security cams. I flipped through them and saw nothing.

I got up and looked around and then my eyes landed on the closet door. "wha- wasn't that just closed?? am I going crazy??" I shrugged picked up the keys walking out of the door.

Hmm. I'll go to that cafe that Hannah told me about.

~At the cafe~ I stretched my arms as I walked into the cafe. Looking around I saw that there was only one table free. Shrugging I went to it and sat down. I put my phone on the table. "Miss?? Have you decided what you want to have??" I jumped at the voice and looked up to see a slightly worried waitress. "Ahh sorry, I was in my own world."

She shook her head. "It's alright. But have you decided yet??" I nodded. "Can I have (F/D)??" She nodded and wrote it down. "Alright, we will get that ready for you soon."

"Thank you." I smiled kindly and looked down at my phone. I got up Luna's contact and thought if I should message her...


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