{Chapter five}

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(Y/N) (L/N)

I didn't even realise where I was riding until I realised I was out in front of Hannah's house. "W-what am I doing in front of her house. Well...it would be the best place to be." I got off my bike and made sure the lock was on and took of my helmet. And ran over to the door, knocking wait no. It was more like banging on the door, still eyes streaming with tears. Hannah opened the door, at first looking pissed but as soon as she saw my face she turned concerned.

"(Y/N)?? What's wrong?? Come in and speak to me." I nodded and walked in, Hannah's arm around my shoulder. Jacob came down the stairs. "What's up with the rapid banging- oh, (Y/N) what happened??" He rushed over to my side as well. We all sat down on the sofa.

"I-I'm sorry....I'm so sorry..."

"Sorry about what hun?? You've done nothing."

I shook my head. "No I have!! I done something I shouldn't have!!" I yelled crying, Hannah brought my head into her shoulder. "Shhh, calm down. Just tell us what happened. We won't be pissed." I sniffles and looked up. "A-are you s-sure??"

"Yes, I'm very sure. I've been your friend for so long. Have I ever been mad at you for long." I shook my head. "See?? Now tell us." I took a deep breath. "T-Tanner..."

"What about him?? Did he hurt you?? That motherfucker-"

"N-no!! He didn't hurt me. Not on purpose...he heart me emotionally without knowing..."

"What do you mean??" Jacob sighed and looked at me with a knowing smile. "You were in love with him all the time but didn't believe it because you haven't seen him in years. Didn't you??" I nodded, looking down, not wanting to see Hannah pissed.

"Hun....it's okay. I'm not pissed. Everyone falls in love. And sometimes in the wrong person." I looked up and saw Hannah giving me a weak smile. I knew what she was talking about. "Thank you...but I don't know what to tell our boss..."

"Don't worry, we will tell him when the time is right. Tanner is looking for you isn't he??" I nodded. "Yeah...he called my name and ran after me after I ran away...I realised my feelings and I was scared."

"It's alright. We will think of something. You don't know if he likes you back yes??"

"Yup....I'm sure he's worried right now."

"Alright!! That's it, get up from your ass. We are gonna make you look better. AND, we are going to try our best with him loving you back." My eyes widened and I hugged her tightly. "Thank you, thank you!!"

"No problem girl."

"Hey!! What about my hug." I giggled and hugged Jacob as well. "About time."

"Oh shut up Jacob. You're such a tsundere." He just rolled his eyes. "Alright Jacob go bother someone else. I got a little young lady to get ready for her man."

"Yeah yeah. Alright."

"Now, LET'S GO!!"


Fuck where is she?? She's not in her house. Did I do something wrong??

I walked out of her house and locked the door again with the spare key I found. "Where is she?? Why was she crying??" Sighing I took my phone out and got a photo of her that I found on her Facebook page. Looking around I saw a man about the same age as (Y/N). And walked over. "Excuse me, have you seen her by any chance??"

"No?? Shouldn't she be with you?" I sighed. "No, well she was but she ran away crying and no I don't know where she is."

"Oh I know where she'd go. Follow me, Tanner was it??"

"Yes...? Has she told you about me??"

"She has told everyone about the childhood friend she bumped into." I smiled to myself a little and followed after him.

She has told her friends about me, Huh?? So cute...

The rest of the walk was silent and we got to a house. "This is our coworker and friends house. She would have ran over here. And look there is her bike."

"Thank you....?"

"Oh my name is Napoleon." I nodded. "Thank you Napoleon." I walked over to the door and knocked on the door. The door was opened by a young boy a bit younger than (Y/N). "Ahh, you must be Tanner. Come on in." I looked a bit confused but walked in. He told me to sit down and wait so I did.

(Y/N) (L/N)

Hannah has finished fixing me up. I looked at the mirror and saw the real me. My (H/L) (H/C) down and wavy. (F/N) shirt, black jeans and blue jacket. With red flats. "Thank you Hannah." She just winked at me. "Jacob messaged me saying that Tanners here. Napoleon must have showed him here now go!!"

She shoved me out of the door, tripping over god knows what, expecting to hit the ground. I hit something a lot more softer. I opened my eyes which was closed right shut, and saw Tanner looking down at me with concern filled in his eyes. My face turned red. "Are you okay??"

"Y-yeah. Hannah shoved me out of the room.." Tanner helped me up. By that I mean he picked me up bridal style and carefully placed me le sofa. "Ah, thank you Tanner..."

"It's fine, doll." I laughed at his pet name. "Doll, really??" He chuckled and placed his hand on my leg, and looked at my eyes. "Do you not like my pet name for you??" I shrugged, and unconsciously moved closer to him. "Nope. I like it." I smiled with my eyes closed, I felt the sofa move, indicating that he had moved or leaned closer. I opened my eyes to see that he had brought his face closer to mine. My face turned 10000 shades of red.

"T-Tanner...??" He just leaned closer and closer, when just mere inches left. My eyes widened, my cheeks getting redder every second....


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