{Chapter two}

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(Y/N) (L/N)

I just stared at Luna's contact. "Ugh, damnit, I don't care. She has to just be alright with me messaging her." I got up her contact on messenger and got to messaging.

(Y/N): Luna?? I heard about what happened. Are you okay??

Luna <3: (Y/N) I'm alright!! sorry for not telling you. I guess you're the one they set to go to my apartment??

(Y/N): Yup :). I'm at a cafe atm. Wanting to refresh myself up. Ahh the waitress is coming gtg

Luna <3: Alright, ttyl hun.

"Here is your (F/D), Ma'am." I smiled and took the drink from the tray. "Thank you." She nodded and walked away. Sighing I put my phone away and sipped a bit of my drink. "Is this seat taken??" I looked up to see the owner of the sweet kind voice.

"Nope, I'm on my own." He took the seat and I gave him the menu. "Here, I already got my drink." He smiled, it was a warm smile, and took the menu from my hand. "Thank you. But do I know you??" I looked up from my drink and tilted my head.

"Umm. I don't really remember people from my past. But if I do know you, you'll have to explain." I giggled nervously. "Don't worry, I did think you would forget me, (Y/N). We went to the same high school. We were friends." My eyes widened as I realised. "OHHH. Tanner right?? I remember now!!"

He nodded. "It's great to know that you do remember me." I smiled and took a sip of my drink. "Do you want to meet up sometime??" I looked up from my drink and nodded. "Sure!! we should exchange numbers so you can just message me??" Tanner nodded and we put our numbers into each others phone.

"And there. Just call me if you want to meet u-" *ring ring*" I smiled irritatedly and picked up my phone. "What do you want?!"

"DON'T YELL AT ME YOUNG LADY!!" My eyes widened and I face palmed. "Sorry, Hannah. What's up??" I could hear Tanner chuckle at the other side of the table and so did Hannah it seemed. "Oo~ who's the boy that you're with??"

"Oh shut up Hannah. It's a childhood friend. We ended up bumping into each other." I could feel a headache coming. I groaned in pain, "(Y/N) are you okay??" I put my hand up and waved no at Tanner. "No, I'm not really. Got a headache. I'll go outside for this call." Tanner nodded. "Alright. Be careful."

I put a thumbs up and smiled cheerfully. "Will do!!" as soon as I was outside I spoke up. "Sorry Hannah, Tanner ended up asking if I was okay-"

"Did you say Tanner?" I tilted my head in confusion. "Yeah. Why?? That's his name."

"Just come to the office now. There's something you need to know." I shrugged and got up from the ground. "Alright. I'll come. Just give me a few minutes." I hung up and walked to the table. I smiled weakly at Tanner. "Sorry, that was my coworker. She asked me to come in. So I have to go."

"It's alright. It was nice to see you again" I nodded and grabbed my drink and walked out. "Alright, bye Tanner!!" I put on my helmet and unlocked my bike, I hit the engine and got on the move. ~30 minutes later at the agency~.I got my bike parked and walked into the building. "Alright, Hannah's office is on the second to last floor." I got into the lift and clicked the 12th floor.

As soon as the door opened I was dragged by Hannah who was waiting at the lift floor. "Jesus Hannah, calm down." I said laughing. She pushed me on the chair and looked at me sternly. "This is no laughing matter (Y/N). Here." She chucked a folder at me which was titled, 'Tanner' I shrugged my shoulders and scanned through the folder. Afterwards I closed it and looked down, feeling my faith in him disappear.

"See why I wanted to get you away from him as quickly as possible??" I nodded. "He's the guy that we were needing to catch before but didn't manage to find him.." She nodded. "We got a name from Luna. But I forgot to tell you. He may be one of the people stalking her."

I sighed, and started to massage my temples. "Right, so what do you want me to do, Hannah??" She threw me a bag, I grabbed it. "You my friend, are not staying overnight in that house. Instead, you can sleep in your own house tonight. Enjoy the rest of the day off and come back tomorrow at 7:00pm." I nodded and got up, picking up the bag.

"Oh and Yolak told me to tell you that you need evidence that he is the same man." I nodded. "So you want me to gain his trust and make him spill everything to me??"

"You got it. Just please be careful. If he does ANYTHING that could harm you, report it to me, and we will call the police on him. got it??" I nodded. "Got it Hannah. Thank you for telling me." She smiled and told me to shoo.

Ughh, so now I have to get him to trust me, but in what way?? I'll need to ask Napoleon.

I got back home and got up WhatsApp.com on my laptop and messaged Napoleon.

(Y/N): Yo Napoleon. I need your help. help me pwease??? :3

Napoleon ^-^: Don't yo me (Y/N), but what's up??

(Y/N): Thank you!! Hannah told me I need to get close to my childhood friend bc in the end he ended up being a murderer and blah blah blah. He may be one of the people stalking Luna. But Idk how I'm meant to ya know. Make him spill everything to me

Napoleon ^-^: Ahh Hannah told me about him. Tanner was it?? Why don't you try to make him fall for you?? Bc isn't it in the rules you can do anything to gain their trust but in no way should you fall for them??

(Y/N): That's true. But ME?! How can I make someone fall for me. You know me. I'm terrible with feelings.

Napoleon ^-^: Oh shut up. You did well last time you did that. The only difference in this one is that you guys have already known each other.

(Y/N): AND HE'S A BLOODY MURDERER!!. But fine. I'll try it. Gtg

I turn off my laptop and sighed. "I guess I really am going all the way huh?? Might as well message him asking if he wants to hang out at some point." I took my phone out. Deciding that I have been messaging people way too much today. I clicked on the call option and waited for him to pick up.

"Hello??" I smiled cheerfully at his voice. And sat down. "Hey Tanner, it's me (Y/N)" He let out a chuckle on the other side of the phone. "Ahh that's right. It's nice to hear from you so soon. Did you need something??"

"Yup, I was wondering if you were free like tomorrow at some time. To meet up. My coworker told me our boss let me have the day off tomorrow." I took a sip of my newly made Coffee. And waited. "Sure, I'm busy in the morning but maybe at 7:00?? I can pick you up at your house."

"Sure!! I'll put that in my calendar." I got up and wrote it in my calendar, because I don't lie. "Alright, I'm at work so I have to go. Goodbye, (Y/N)" And he hanged up. "wha- I didn't even tell him my address- wait. He probably got it because he's a killer.."

Although I know he's a bad person. I can't wait to see him...

"Alright. I should ask Hannah if she could get her brother round. He normally helps me with these types of things for the job."


Did you miss me?? {Scrutinised Tanner x reader}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin